
Long Time Member
Wow, antelope season is only 9 days away. Time flies by.

So lets share some of Wyoming season recaps to get the blood flowing. I was going through my pictures for some memories. So here it is my 2012 season.

please share, I want to see

Started off with a August antelope tag. Was my first antelope with a bow so I was stoked to get this little guy. 41 yard shot pretty much dropped him in his tracks. Got the same tag this year and I am ready.. My wife got a tag to and I cant express enough how excited I am for her first big game. She doesn't feel comfortable to use her bow. I am proud of her for making that call so she will be using the rifle.

This is my hunting partners antelope. He helped me so I returned the favor, just thought I would share the pic.

I love whitetail meat so I get 4 extra tags. This is 1 out 4. I also give a couple away to some people that cant afford to hunt or in bad shape to hunt. If they cant cut the meat I chip in for the meat processer. I also was cutting this doe up into steaks and slipped with my knife and had to get stiches. I also dropped her dead in her tracks with the bow.

I was pumped to get this big ol boy. passed a lot of bucks for this dude. I entered him into a big buck contest for electrical workers in Wyoming and placed 1st and won a .270 rifle that I gave to my wife. I also won the contest by 3/8 of an inch.. He to dropped in his tracks.

Here is a video link

super wide

Proud of this bull. Passed up a lot of bulls to get this bad boy. he is featured in the latest elk hunter magazine. I still need to score him. The meat is awesome. This bull took 2 shots from the .300 mag. First shot he hunched his shoulders and took 5 steps and stood. fired again and he dropped. both shots were heart and lungs.

I also got my goat back in 2012. I got the goat in 2011. so getting him back felt pretty good.

Area 61
taken with Eli Grimmett Pronghorn Guide Service
86 1/2 B&C

Good grief tkhunt what a monster!!!! wow!!!!! Now that gets the heart pumping

My 2012 buck. I picked this buck out on day one of the hunt but never was in a position to squeeze the trigger as he was always out in the wide open well out of range without a means of getting into range. He had this rolling ridge that was his and could see everything around him for a mile. For 3 days I watched him waiting for an opportunity until finally I was driving to pick my hunting partner up when the buck came flying by me in hot pursuit of a doe. His mistake, as this gave me the opportunity I needed. I was able to sneak within 200 yards and let him have it... First time I have even picked and hunted one particular buck and can't wait to have the opportunity to do this again.

"Courage is being scared to death but saddling up anyway."
Here's my 2012 antelope. My son was 5 and we spent a little while trying to stalk within range of a decent buck. Shot was 72 yards with my Ruger Bisley Blackhawk .45 LC.

The buck dropped like a rock and my son said "you got him!" It was pretty fun with him along.

During one of the failed stalks he asked if we could go get a rifle so we could shoot one from a long ways away.
2012 WY recap...fair to middlin'

My first antelope buck:



My second buck on a leftover tag:


Wifes antelope:



Friend from AZ and his buck:


Another friend from AZ...neat buck he took. 7 5/8 first and 7 6/8 second circumferences.



Moose for my Dad, his 3rd shiras:



First elk hunt in 2012...5 elk in 2 days.

my cow on a type-6...and also my 50th elk.


A good friends bull:


Calf for another friend:


Second elk trip for my wife and I.

Wifes first elk:


My bull:


My Mule deer


those are impressive animals. I love the look of your wife's antelope!!!!
Here are a couple of pics from my first successful elk hunt. This was my third time elk hunting in Wyoming and my first elk!

One more.

LAST EDITED ON Aug-10-13 AT 12:32PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Aug-10-13 AT 12:29?PM (MST)

LAST EDITED ON Aug-10-13 AT 11:42?AM (MST)

My 2012 Utah General season muzzle loader muley.


One of my twin sons with his 2012 Colorado Rifle antelope.


My other twin son with his 2013 Utah Turkey.



My May 2013 Idaho bear.
Real nice trophys everyone.

My 12 year old sons first big game hunt. Also his first archery and out of state hunt. Wyoming 2012 left over doe tag

His Wyoming 2012 left over buck tag

My Wyoming antelope from 2011

2012 Wyoming mule deer

2012 Wyoming left over cow tag

Some California critters
2012 Blacktail #1

2012 Blacktail #2

Daughter's 2012 turkey

Son's 2012 turkey

2012 turkey #1

2012 turkey #2
Awesome thread, and great pictures guys. Congrats to all.

"Easy now, keep the croshairs right behind his shoulder & squeeze the trigger"
buddies bull from oregon 2012 i got to be the caller on this hunt

my idaho archery bull 2012

my dad archery bull from idaho 2012

my wyoming antelope 2012

uncle and dads oregon white tails 2012

my oregon rile bull 2012

the start o my 2013 season 2013 oregon spring bear

Wyoming Hunting Guides & Outfitters

Badger Creek Outfitters

Offering elk, deer and pronghorn hunts on several privately owned ranches.

Urge 2 Hunt

We focus on trophy elk, mule deer, antelope and moose hunts and take B&C bucks most years.

J & J Outfitters

Offering quality fair-chase hunts for trophy mule deer, elk, and moose in Wyoming.

Yellowstone Horse Rentals - Western Wyoming Horses
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