lets hope those Eastmans boys are right....


Active Member
I put in for unit 80 for antelope going off the MSR in Eastmans and drew....I hope Guy wasn't leading me a stray... Have any of you hunted 80 before and what can a guy expect?
Good morning Mr Butler. After the sarcastic email I got from you last night, I can now tell others what unit to stay the he** out of if you're in it, LOL! If I have time later today, maybe I'll try a C/P of the latest BS you sent, but for now I have to go lay my Dad to rest this AM. PS: Thought you were going to quit this site because of all the people you hate on here and now you come right back asking for information---pretty lame there dude!!!
LAST EDITED ON Jun-20-12 AT 09:01AM (MST)[p]If you look at the book entries from that county there are virtually none.....that's not everything of course because a lot of people don't enter their animals, but it says something. Putting in blind based on a magazine recommendation is not a good idea, you should do some checking of your own first if possible.
LAST EDITED ON Jun-20-12 AT 01:25PM (MST)[p]Well next year, why don't you apply where they apply. The Eastmans put in regularly for 75 as their first choice goat. I know Mike had a 47 tag a few years ago. Regarding deer, they've applied for 90 & 117. For elk they've had or applied in 61-63...
Me my dad and a buddy hunted unit 80 last year. We saw one good buck probably close to 16" with a ton of mass but i could never get close enough to him to get a shot. The unit is full of 13" bucks. And thats what we got. I think i posted a picture in the antelope section under unit 80.

"Go hunt for meat at Wall Mart."
I feel like I wasted some points on this hunt. I should have done some more in depth research before putting in. I looked at the area of the unit, the number of tags, and the hunter success rate from the last few years. I wanted to draw the very best tag i could with the points i had. Its starting to sound like i drew an overrated tag. Non the less I am happy to have a tag and am going to make the very best of it. I will hopefully have my 4year old son on the hunt and am excited to spend some time teaching our future...
I just made resrv (late July) in Cody to do a little look-see for my deer tag in Nov.

Ya wanna hook-up and split cost?

>tagsoup---That's why he was 16" with
>good mass, LOL!

No kidding he was smart. When we went back over there in Nov deer hunting we went and took a look to see if he had made it through the hunting season and sure enough there he was.

"Go hunt for meat at Wall Mart."
Cody resrv. vs Dubois......?

Nah---no 128 for me....

But my Ex bro-inlaw has like 80 acres along the river in Dubois if ya want to get yourself a decent Whitetail buck...(120--140 class)

>I just made resrv (late July)
>in Cody to do a
>little look-see for my deer
>tag in Nov.
>Ya wanna hook-up and split cost?

What area did you get? im from the area and might be able to help out with some leads

PM me for any questions

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