Lets hear some ideas


Long Time Member
I would like to see ideas of new ways HUNTERS can increase revenue for the federal government and OUR public lands. I would really like to here from Bigfin too. I am sure he has some great ideas.

If we HUNTERS want the government to value our opinion in these arguments then WE HUNTERS need to show them how hunting is going to make them MORE money.

SO lets hear some ideas.
Cannot believe I am responding to this....

You hit the nail on the head right there, I guess a blind squirrel gets a nut every now and then... You want to take MORE money from the people.... That is wrong.

The right question is how do we make the gov't accountable for budgeting the money they DO get and put it to proper use. Once that is done, you will see better results.

I'm done.

"Hunting is where you prove yourself"

This doesn't have anything to do with giving government they think they need to spend like drunk sailors.

Right now the governments hear from all these different revenue streams that can supply them with billions of dollars. And all we do as hunters scream and ##### but offer them nothing.


Imagine you have two sons. One son comes and tells you "Dad give me a car so I can take chicks to the movies on weekends". Your other son tells you "Hey dad can you loan me some money to buy a work truck to start my own contracting business? I'll pay you back plus use it and my workers to fix stuff on your house". Which son do you think is going to catch the father's ear??????? Which son do you think hunters are right now??????
LAST EDITED ON Aug-12-16 AT 08:26AM (MST)[p]Tri I agree with mtnman on this. We as hunters are not alone in this. Hippy hikers, fishermen and four wheelers, all forest recreational users want to see healthy public lands. Our lands are constitutionally protected and supposed to be taken care of with public dollars. The usfs does what's called "fire borrowing" where they take money budgeted to other departments. It's a loophole that needs to be closed. Our public lands are not meant to be cash cow. They could log more to create revenue and decrease fire needs.
>This doesn't have anything to do
>with giving government they think
>they need to spend like
>drunk sailors.

This is exactly what I was talking about, they already receive a ass ton of money from us, if they were to budget it properly and put it to better use then we wouldn't have any issues.

You telling me you don't have a budget for your business, you just randomly spend $5,000 on a squirrel form to help your buddy, or pay $250/hour to your help cause they fill tubs of water for you to clean skulls? Come on don't be a dumbass, it is all about budgeting the money.


"Hunting is where you prove yourself"
you are just desperate in trying to find at least one other poor soul on here that defends your way of turning America into hunting for the rich only.


"Hunting is where you prove yourself"
Here is an idea for you Tri:

Read up a bit on the Pittman-Robertson act to see how much revenue hunters are ALREADY generating.

Hunters generate more than their share as conservationists - it is time for the other consumptive groups to step up and match what hunters and anglers are already doing.
The last time I was on the back road between Johnson Canyon, by Kanab, and Cannonville your teeth would rattle loose. This is part of the Grand Staircase National M. and controlled by the Feds. When the county had responsibility it was really quite smooth. When the Feds were responsible for the campgrounds on the national parks the bathroom stunk to high heaven and since they contracted the campgrounds out, they are really clean.

Keep the lands, but lay off the fed employees and contract everything out. Put a extra fee on any 4 x 4. double the fee for Peta members. Do away with the congress and the presidency. Organize a corporation to run the country (of course this is after the country has gone thru bankruptcy and has been re-established).

Finally make all taxidermists go back to using sawdust to fill their heads and tax heavy those who don't. :)
LAST EDITED ON Aug-12-16 AT 11:02AM (MST)[p]elkhunterUT,

I know what Pittman-Robertson is. If you think that those set aside dollars feel like economic gains for the Feds you are kidding yourself. Especially when they have to turn around and right big checks to THE STATES.

By the way Pittman Robertson doesn't generate that much money. Go see the numbers.

My point is there are other consumptive groups that HUNTERS aren't even getting close to when it comes to generating revenue for the Federal government.

You want to respect from the government you better have a big river of money that you pump.


Interesting observation.
Your point of other consumptive groups drooling over our land is irrelevant. The land is protected for ALL not just hunters. Those groups can focus elsewhere. We the people need to hold our government to that.

It is impossible to make all groups happy. The government decides how it can keep itself happy and then if your interests and their interests are tangent then it can work out.
Tristate. It is impossible to make you happy. Do everyone a favor and please leave this website. Better yet move to England. I cannot put up with your stupidity anymore and have virtually stopped looking at any of your posts.
LAST EDITED ON Aug-12-16 AT 01:54PM (MST)[p]Yes but you act like hunters are the only ones in this fight and need to solve it alone. We are not alone in this issue as the land and critters belong to everyone. Everyone needs to tell the government to keep posetion and manage better!

Tristate Look at post 6 I didn't hear from you on that.
LAST EDITED ON Aug-12-16 AT 03:56PM (MST)[p]Tri....
If you think the government is good at budgeting money, take a long, hard look at our national debt!

Don't come on here asking how much more money can we give these worthless/POS that run our government.

Would you be looking for a third or fourth job if you knew Mrs. Tristate (assuming you're married) had a spending problem and blew through your paycheck before you could make it to the gas station to fill up your ride?

Get out a here!

"Wildlife and its habitat cannot speak. So
we must and we will."
Theadore Roosevelt
>Imagine you have two sons.
>One son comes and tells
>you "Dad give me a
>car so I can take
>chicks to the movies on
>weekends". Your other son
>tells you "Hey dad can
>you loan me some money
>to buy a work truck
>to start my own contracting
>business? I'll pay you
>back plus use it and
>my workers to fix stuff
>on your house". Which
>son do you think is
>going to catch the father's
>ear??????? Which son do
>you think hunters are right

A dad who loves his sons and wants the best for them vs. a government full of politicians and employees who couldn't care less about citizens and who are only interested in keeping their jobs and their cash flow!

The leaching son will catch the government's ear, of course, because they know they'll get his vote and they also know they can always tax the other son enough keep their jobs, their cash flow and support the leach.
Maybe if the feds would switch their mentality from a heavy handed regulator to a sensible American supporter they might be able to do a bit better lining their greedy pockets. Nearly everything anyone wants to do with or on federal lands is met with Big Government Bureaucracy and the associated BS and the need for a huge bank roll. Even to get the feds to work with state and more local governments is complicated and expensive even if it demonstrates responsible ownership and economic gain from the Fed lands as the development doesn't fit onto the Washington agenda. They drive away development opportunities regularly.

"Courage is being scared to death but
saddling up anyway."
LAST EDITED ON Aug-12-16 AT 07:18PM (MST)[p]Tri, those "set aside dollars" AREN'T SUPPOSED TO BE ECONOMIC GAINS. THEY ARE THERE TO MAINTAIN THE LAND, NOT A FRIGGIN PROFIT FOR THE GOVERNMENT. Not one person on here agrees with your view, yet instead of letting it go, you continue to argue. Who's agenda are you trying to push?

And also, are you trying to say only the needs and wants of the rich shoukd be considered? Thats what it sounds like to me.
>The last time I was on
>the back road between Johnson
>Canyon, by Kanab, and Cannonville
>your teeth would rattle loose.
> This is part of
>the Grand Staircase National M.
>and controlled by the Feds.
> When the county had
>responsibility it was really quite
>smooth. When the Feds
>were responsible for the campgrounds
>on the national parks the
>bathroom stunk to high heaven
>and since they contracted the
>campgrounds out, they are really
>Keep the lands, but lay off
>the fed employees and contract
>everything out. Put a
>extra fee on any 4
>x 4. double the fee
>for Peta members. Do
>away with the congress and
>the presidency. Organize a corporation
>to run the country (of
>course this is after the
>country has gone thru bankruptcy
>and has been re-established).
>Finally make all taxidermists go back
>to using sawdust to fill
>their heads and tax heavy
>those who don't. :)

Double Fee on any 4X4?


Do You Run a 4X2?

I Thought We were being TAXED More than enough already!

Only a Double Fee on PETA?

I Agree with the USFS Doing A PISS POOR Job on Roads!

But they Can Buy Employee's F-350 STROKERS to Stroll around in!

[font color="blue"]dude has his Resume turned in to be Hillary's
Here's an idea FU$& the government and wanting to take more money.
Dumbest idea I've heard even from u tristate
>Here's an idea FU$& the government
>and wanting to take more
>Dumbest idea I've heard even from
>u tristate

Hey ox?

Your Wheeler a 4X4?

[font color="blue"]dude has his Resume turned in to be Hillary's
Elk wrote: [Do You Run a 4X2?]

No Elk a 4x4 truck and a camo RZR. When going fishing I have to go around with my headlights on, even on the rough roads of Boulder, so I wouldn't get run over.

I wish they would have outlawed making them(the RZR) right after I purchased mine. There is more traffic on the dirt roads than the oiled ones. I go up and down the oiled road between Salina and Fishlake in the touring car just to get away from the traffic. You can see more elk that way.
>Elk wrote: [Do You Run a
>No Elk a 4x4 truck and
>a camo RZR. When
>going fishing I have to
>go around with my headlights
>on, even on the rough
>roads of Boulder, so I
>wouldn't get run over.
>I wish they would have outlawed
>making them(the RZR) right after
>I purchased mine. There
>is more traffic on the
>dirt roads than the oiled
>ones. I go up
>and down the oiled road
>between Salina and Fishlake in
>the touring car just to
>get away from the traffic.
> You can see more
>elk that way.


That's about How it's getting to be!

[font color="blue"]dude has his Resume turned in to be Hillary's
Tristate where did you go? Did we finally talk some sense into you? Nah you just heard something and couldn't logically reply.
I think hunters have given the governments around the country quite enough already, actually.

From a quick Google search:
Created a nationwide economic impact of about $61 billion.

Supported 704,600 million jobs, or nearly 1 percent of America's entire civilian labor force, in all sectors of the American economy. Created household income (salaries and wages) totaling 416.1 billion, which is roughly equivalent to 25 percent of America's entire military payroll.

Added $1.4 billion to state tax revenues, or nearly 1 percent of all annual state tax revenues combined.

Contributed $1.7 billion in federal income taxes, which equates to almost half of the entire federal budget for commerce.

Source: http://www.dfg.ca.gov/wildlife/hunting/econ-hunting.html
>Cannot believe I am responding to
>You hit the nail on the
>head right there, I guess
>a blind squirrel gets a
>nut every now and then...
>You want to take MORE
>money from the people.... That
>is wrong.
>The right question is how do
>we make the gov't accountable
>for budgeting the money they
>DO get and put it
>to proper use. Once that
>is done, you will see
>better results.
>I'm done.
>"Hunting is where you prove yourself"
+1, tri we have the pitman act.
>Tristate where did you go? Did
>we finally talk some sense
>into you? Nah you just
>heard something and couldn't logically

no kidding, but the logically reply is a constant fail from tri

"Hunting is where you prove yourself"
I'm back fellas.

Very interesting to see your responses. It would be interesting to see Bigfin come respond. I am sure he is quite busy though.

I liked the post about hunters bringing 1.7 billion dollars to the table annually. Do you realize there are companies out there which would like to use those public lands that spend MORE than that annually in taxes to the government. Just one single company.

SO why would the government listen to us?

It is quite amazing to watch how people behave when people start talking about handouts not being handouts anymore.
Actually without the sportsmen we could eliminate foreign oil completely. Have you ever thought about that? If all the public land was gone, we could just pay a high fee and go next door to hunt on all that fenced in area and corn fed deer.

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