Lets hear it -sound off



Would love to hear your though's!!!
is going to be a good year for cannabis consumers!!!!
I say make it legal. The money saved in legal issues not to mention the taxes it can earn. Hell, millions use it for various reasons already, What are we waiting for...

I had a budy plant a row of it in Idaho. The deer cleaned it out in 2 days. Food Plot potential????
LAST EDITED ON Apr-11-11 AT 08:27PM (MST)[p]

HTNFOOL-glad were on the same page.....seams like a lot of states are shooting for 2012 as a day to test are government....I no there is a petition drive here in col to get legalization on the ballet in 2012...I can only hope that Oregon does the same...best of luck..and thanks for chiming in...
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