Lesnar vs Carwin

I will be watching fo'sho'!! Gonna be fite nite at the Wisz's again so we'll have 40-70 people over at our house with tons of food and alcohol. We do it potluck style so everyone brings a dish to share. Kids run wild in the front and back and the adults socialize. It's fun for all.

Carwin has the best chance of anyone to beat Lesnar. His power is huge and may be able to avoid Lesnars take downs. Lesnar gets anyone down...they're gonna take a beating. I can't pick one here but I'd like Carwin to beat him.

I will be watching this. I have looked forward to this fight for a while. I feel that Carwin has the best chance of beating Lesner. I hope Carwin does win, never been a fan of Lesner since he entered the UFC. Going to be a good fight though either way. I would love to see Lesner get knocked out.
I will be watching the fights too...winner...the last one standing. I have not seen one of Carwin's fight so can't predict the outcome.

I am picking Lesner...not that i like him or want him to win...but i think he will win. It would be nice if carwin figures out a way to beat him though. We will see.
I'm puttin my money on lesnar. If i can round up some guys to chip in some money to order it I'll be watching for sure
Lesner all the way. cant wait to see this fight!!


Nets are for fish!!
According to Jason Ellis on Faction 52 on XM Carwin is the man!!

Lesner needs to be taken down a notch or two!
LAST EDITED ON Jul-01-10 AT 01:36PM (MST)[p]I hope Lesner gets KTFO!...

I cant stand the arrogant asshoe...

If Carwin can stay off his back he will do it..

We will have to record the fights and watch them when I get back from taking my God Daughters fishing..


The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.
Lesnar.. By being an athletic freak of nature. He is too fast and agile for his size, we know Lesnar can go 3 full rounds, he did it before with no problem, I am sure he can go 5 if needed. Carwin has never fought for more than 4 min and most people that size don't last past the second round with the cardio. The only chance Carwin has is a KO early in the fight, which he is more than capable of doing. Lesnar by wrestling and GNP domination.
Lesnar is a big time hunter which I like. He is a freak of nature and even though he plays the part of being a villian; I still hope he wins and wins convincingly. However, I am taking Carwin. Brock being out for a year and being rusty is not good. I think he gets caught early; hope I am wrong. He does dumb things but I still cheer for him.
I definitely will be watching, I've been looking forward to this fight a long time, gonna have some people over at our place.

I can't stand Lesnar, I want to see Carwin leave him knocked out on the canvas! I think Carwin will get the "W", Lesnar's time is up.
Me n stinky are going to a friends to watch this fight...been waiting a while to see brock fight....I personally don't care who wins....i but gotta admit it would be awesome to see someone take brock down a notch or two(even tho I like big boys, generally speaking.)....

i was actually thinking about going to vegas and watch the fights in person but i decided not to. i wouldnt want to steal brocks thunder! i would hate to get ringside tickets and have the camera distracted by my giantism and everyone miss the fight cuz they were fixated on stinky!

ego participate in Monasteriense muleys proinde ego sum bardus (I participate on monstermuleys therefore I am stupid)
This is the most evenly matched fight. It could easily go either way. Can't wait to watch it!! Go Brock!
I hope My homeboy wins Go Brock

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
I hope Carwin wins..cant stand Lesnar's WWF personality...Guess he didnt get the memo to drop it when he left.

For those rooting for a hunter, Randy "the natural" Couture is an avid hunter as well...and has class.
LAST EDITED ON Jul-02-10 AT 08:35AM (MST)[p]I need to stop watching spike tv. The more I see of lesnar the less I like him. In a pre UFC 116 show they were showing his actions after the last time he fought Mir and all the bull crap he pulled after the fight with flipping off the fans, getting in Mir's face after the fight and yelling at him which I had forgotten about most of that. Who cares what was said before the fight, everyone talks a big game and talks about opponents before the fight but during and especially after the fight the majority of fighters have respect for their opponents, lesnar has no respect for his opponents. The little respect I had for Lesnar was lost watching that fight and it hasn't come back yet.

Like was said previously, Couture likes to hunt, Hughes likes to hunt, they were great champions and both are icons in the sport because they had class and respect.
Lesnar weathered the storm we knew was coming and Carwin ran out of gas as I expected, then Brocks superior wrestling skills took over. Way to go Brock!!!

The whole card was good I thought... Bonner, Leban, entertaining fights.
Great fights and after the first round you could tell Carwin was tiring and the 2nd round Brock took it to him.

Cain is next to fight Lesnar...that too should be a good one.

Definately one of the better UFC Fight cards tonight.
Lebans fight was great .It was actually a better fight than the Main Event .
Bonnar's fight was incredible. That guy doesnt have the superstar status, but I love watching his blood bath fights
Good fights! I'm glad Leben and Bonnar both won, and I really enjoyed watching the first round of Lesnar vs Carwin :)

Cain Valasquez gets the next crack at Lesnar but I don't think he will have much of a chance.....unfortunately.
Lesnar's illness he keeps speaking of....what was it?

Compromise, hell! ... If freedom is right and tyranny is wrong, why should those who believe in freedom treat it as if it were a roll of bologna to be bartered a slice at a time?
WOW!! We all got more than what we paid for. Great fights the whole way through. Rosenthal did a great job in not over reacting to that fist storm in the first! Brock had an intestinal infection, that nearly killed him! Way to rebound Brock!
Carwin was pretty dissapointing in my book. They kept talking the whole time about his intelligence and all that crap. Hell he wasn't even smart enough to get into decent enough shape to go 2 rounds. And then he layed there and tapped like a girl. Not impressed. Lesnar is a stud pure and simple!

Fed. Lesnar has holes in his stomach that was lettin air into his guts. I can't remember the name of it but it sounded like it was pretty serious
The sickness is called slurpalotasperm. The way you contract this very rare illness is by sucking too much weiner and swallowing its contents! Just kidding, of course.

I loved the way Lesnar curled up like a little girl. He looked like a coward...probably for once in his life. he finally was being bullied. I really wish Carwin would have finished. That fight wouldve been stopped had it not been a title fite. It looked like Carwin blew his wad and the rest is history. I can't stand Lesnar. I hope Velasquez gets lucky and hits him with a shot that flat out knocks him out....flat on his back with his legs stiff....maybe a twitch or two! Carwin really let me down.

NICE JOB for Brock to beat the Guy that was going to wreck everyone in the HWT Div. NOW WHO's NEXT.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
I agree with Wis ,most fights would have been stopped after the 15+ unanswered strikes to Lesner in the 1st round while Carwin had him on the ground.
The disease that Lesner has is a new form of "I AM A BICH AND MY BELLY HURTS" also know as " HERPYGONNASYPHILAIDS" .(HERPY- GONNA - SYPHIL - AIDS)
Some of the Lesner comments are BS.

I'm pretty sure Carwin said please please let me go I won't do it again and i'm sorry. Lesner fought through Carwins BEST and got back to his feet. If they didn't get Lesner off Carwin he'd be _________________________________________ flat line!

I'm a Lesner fan. I like watching him fight and he's a hunter and basically a small town guy. I don't mind Carwin either but to be the champ you gotta beat the champ. It's no secret that in a title fight the champ gets the benefit of the doubt. Lesner did and obviously he should have because he pulled it out. Carwin fans shouldn't be saying that it should have been stopped they should be saying that if they fight again he should work more on cardio because apparently Lesner can take a punch like nobody else Carwin has faced so far.
Lesner is a big doucher with no class....


The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.
>Lesnar.. By being an athletic freak
>of nature. He is too
>fast and agile for his
>size, we know Lesnar can
>go 3 full rounds, he
>did it before with no
>problem, I am sure he
>can go 5 if needed.
>Carwin has never fought for
>more than 4 min and
>most people that size don't
>last past the second round
>with the cardio. The only
>chance Carwin has is a
>KO early in the fight,
>which he is more than
>capable of doing. Lesnar by
>wrestling and GNP domination.

Good call BigDD! Man I thought Carwin was going to pull it off. I like his killer instinct but he blew his wad trying to finish. Carwin will be back, with better cardio and a smarter pace.

"The value of any trophy from the field depends not on its size but on the magnitude of the effort expended in its pursuit." ~ Aldo Leopold
Not that night Snort...before the fight he did not spout off like before and after the fight with Joe Rogan he said "this fight is not about me" it is God, Family and Health or words somewhat like that.
The post fight interview he never talked trash about Shane either....he was a different person after his near death from the health issues he had 7-8 months ago.

Lesnar had a perforated bowel, pretty nasty stuff. Almost lost my mother to the same thing. Lesnar showed a lot of humility after the fight also. Still not the poster child of being humble, or whatever you all want him to be, but has obviously toned down a notch or two.
I don't think the fight shouldve been stopped. But, if it was not a title fight, it would have been because Lesnar was not doing anything to alter the shots he was getting hit with. I don't think the shots were hurting him either. I really wish Carwin would have finished though. He blew his wad big time and it cost him the fight. I was surprised that when Lesnar had him at full mount he didnt rain down punches. Instead he saw the opportunity for the choke and went to side control and sunk it in. Pretty smart IMO. I can't stand the guy, but he made the right decision when he needed to. Cain Velasquez is in trouble. Gonna be a while til somebody takes Lesnars belt. Maybe GSP can pack on 100 pounds?!

That fight showed that Brock is a stud for sure...he took Carwins best and covered up enough to keep from getting KO'ed and came back took him down and choked him out all that without fighting for a year because of a serious illness when Carwin has been in top form and fighting all along...Just think what Brock would have done if he had been healthy, training and FIGHTING all year. Brock is a hunting fool to boot. I have seen alot videos of him bow hunting....on youtube I think.
I'm sorry, Jodog....but that was not Carwins best. Carwins best is finishing guys when in that position. It looked to me that Carwins shots were a bit weak. Maybe Lesnar was covering up really well but Carwins shots had no effect on Lesnar and few of them actually conected. Got to give Lesnar credit, he weathered the storm and won.

Kirt Darner was a big time hunter also..........


The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.
Best fight card in a while. Its gonna be hard to find a guy with the same conditioning as Lesnar in that weight class, he was prepared, and he is learning different aspects of mma quick. He may be around for a long while.

I dont think Valesquez is gonna beat him. He has the conditioning, but I think hes too small.

Love him or hate him, Brock is proving hes got the skills, and he is making an effort to work on his p's and q's.

These guys fight for a living, so you gotta expect some trash talk.

I like watching him fight.


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