Leopard on cam



My wifes leopard hunt is less than a month aways and our ph decided to put a bait out with a trail cam in an area where he's been seeing big male leopard tracks all year. Well he had the bait out for 2 nights and what do ya know. He just sent me this trail cam pic of the male that showed up. I'm not even the hunter and I'm already excited for the hunt. Im no expert but it looks like an 1800 lb tom to me. What do you guys think?


Boy my bloods already pumping
If I saw an 1800 lbs tom, I think I'd turn to my guide and say, "I think were going to need a bigger boat".
Yeah i think I'm definitely gonna have to take the gun away now. and after further inspection you may be right about the weight. It looks like he may weigh a bit more! Man look at the size of that head! That's a big mouser!
Looks like a big cat, could be pushing 180. I'd be dang excited to if I was heading back over there. Going to send you a PM in a bit.
I'm not good at guessing weights but that head and neck size combo is what I really want the wife to get. My ph says he sees this guys tracks about once. I'm just hoping and praying that this cat will come in while we are there. These things are extremely picky and I know its not gonna be an easy chore to get one to come in much less this big tom.

Now my ph is wanting me to bring night vision to help with his stealth mode but I'm not sure I would be allowed to leave the country with any. Can anyone help me in this area?
Stinky That is an awesome cat!! Hope QT puts the hammer down on him! Can't wait for the reports of the hunt already!
I've judged the weight and I can only come up with 1793.5 lbs.
Even with that HUGE head I don't think he'll top 1800. (ya, get her a bigger gun)

Good luck to your wife. If she gets that kitty she'll have a damn nice trophy.

If that Puddy Cat makes a Charge,My money is on QTPie!:D

For GAWDS Sakes Guys,We Got Kids on this Site,Some of them are 65 years Old!:D

I don't care if they're big or small!
If they throw lead I like em all!
LAST EDITED ON Apr-28-11 AT 08:08PM (MST)[p]Dude that thing is packing 1800 lbs just in his head and probably at least that in his sack. Good hell. So i am figuring 3600 lbs give or take
rofl, good one trix. Thats pretty funny.

However, after receiving that leopard picture I am no longer bored or in the mood to push buttons. Beings as I've already started that religious war over there I better get back in there and keep pushing buttons lol.
I like your math! I'm with you on that cat. That head is ginormeous! Don't know what he'll weigh but that head makes that entire cat! God those things are gorgeous!
That appears to be a very nice leopard, but with the angle, you can't really tell how big he is. He has broad shoulders and a nice sized head, so he's probably as big as you hope, but who really knows? Who really cares?

Whether Q-T kills a 150 lb tom or a 18 lb. tom, the hunt is what it's all about, and taking a mature male is the goal. Enjoy every moment of the hunt, and remember it for the different and interesting adventure it'll be. Let us know how she does, with lots of good pictures.
I had the trail cam picturee of my leopard printed out an framed after I killed the leopard an they hang beneath my cat. Just something you might think of.
The head and neck on that leopard is huge. Hey Stinky, you're going to have to help the misses lift that bad boy if he's still around to be taken. That pic should get any big game hunter's blood boiling!

All I know is that me and my wife are both excited and hearing that someone else on here has trailcam pics of the leopard they took gives me hope that we might just bag that cat.

Now if that cat is Mormon all I can say is that those Mormons sure know how to grow em but I knew that already. Been to Utah one to many times and for women to look like that after 5 kids just ain't right so let's pray to god he's Mormon lol
LAST EDITED ON Apr-29-11 AT 10:05AM (MST)[p]5 kids is just the start for us Stinks. Double that number and then we may be thinking bout wrapping up. I'm pretty sure that kitty is Mormon thems the only ones to fall into temptation at night when nobody is looking. Must be a jack Mormon kitty. Ha
Good luck to the Mrs. if she runs out of bait I know whatshe can use,did I say what I really meant who
Now that is a 1800# leopard. Stink, you may want to hit it before your wife shoots it.
Oh man eldorado u back sliding Mormon lol. I think stinkys gonna b getting a tag now to. Just wondering if I have it backwards but I believe u tag the leopard before u shoot it right? Lol

ego participate in Monasteriense muleys proinde ego sum bardus (I participate on monstermuleys therefore I am stupid)

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