Lemhi zone ? good , bad or ugly?



New To this site, not new to hunting.Have a life time lisence in Idaho. just wondering if the lemhi zone is good,bad ,or ugly. Wolf are all over Id. The biggest pack of wolf is where i used to hunt so I know the problems wolf has caused. Just looking for somthing a little closer to where I live now. I live in Nv. now willing to trade info. for info.
Thank You .
I stopped hunting there last year because of the wolves. We saw tracks everywhere and farmers were complaining about losing livestock. it used to be a good zone but the wolves have screwed it up like alot of other places in Idaho. Good luck.
Even the wolves have started to migrate out because of lack of game. I use to hunt it every year, not any more.
Do you guys know anything about Island Park? I heard it is crowded. The sucess looks good their though.
Not bad, you really have to get to learn the area. Fish and Game claim numbers are up, but who knows. A lot of the people that are local hunt up there and so they know the area well, that is why sucess is generally good. The wolves are all over up there and the elk behave differently now. Deer are few and far between, Moose the ranchers claim are gone.
Island Park, for the most part has pretty easy access, with a growing population, very crowded. The zone tags hold the locals close to home. Absolutely nothing against non-residents because I have lots of friends out of state, but I'm not sure if I'm in Utah or Idaho at times or is it Wisconsin !!!!! Maybe thats because they own all the cabins on the lakes.

Wolves are gettin to be a hugh problem and you had better be "packin" or have a fire extinguisher full of bear spray!!

Hey but look at the bright side you can hunt for 4 months, shoot it doesn't get any better than that!!!!!!!
I hunt this zone more than the others on this side of the state for now, have I mentioned zone management sucks, the same applies to this zone as Island Park, without the grizz for now anyway, wolves, major problem, but if you don't mind hunting vertical with little water, there are places that hold a few elk with less of the two legged predators! I wouldn't advise you to get a deer tag in any of these zones if you intend to spend any time looking for deer as deer numbers are a joke!!!

I won't tell you any specifices, but if you put in some leg work there is a few elk.

Again look at the bright side I'm not sure if Idaho has a closing date for the season!!!!
A pack of 7 wolves killed a 6 point bull elk on Henry's Lake Flats in Island Park yesterday. Story was posted in the Island Park News. For those not familiar with the area, this is a wide open flat area with no cover, right next to the main highway. Several people witnessed the attack.
Thank you guys for the responses.Sorry I took so long to wright back, been at work.16 hour days counting the bus ride.
beverhead gets almost as much pressure elk wise archery as island park...same problem wolves...its not impossible to find deer but your not gonna find anything huge... its getting to be anywhere with any game is gonna be crowded because of wolves killing off the game


has anyone seen my kittie
That right there is sad but true. People are bailing out of their wolf infested areas and trying to find the last strong hold. Yes there is elk in the wolf infested areas. They don't bugle and they don't stay in one place more than a few hours. They are always on the move, and if a guy is willing to go the extra 10 miles you might get one. Years ago a guy could put a herd to bed and go get them in the morning. Now if you see an elk go get it ASAP and be ready to shoot LONG range. I have been lucky to shoot a LOT of elk. I look at the elk population now and I have to think how much longer can the elk stand the level of harvest we have now with the wolves? I hate to say it but the F&G needs to cut ALL elk tags by over 50%. When the elk are gone the wolves will turn full focus on deer. Again I hate to say it but I can see the end. Now that is sad. Ron
So is the western side of the state any better? maby somewhere above the Bosie area.I grew up in the panhandle and I can tell you that the wolves are taking their toll on the elk up their to.
It seems like the more I read everyone equates their elk hunting success to the wolf population. If that is the case and you want to see where the wolves are and aren't the fish and game website has a map of the home ranges of pretty much every wolf pack so start there. Of course I don't know where the wolves aren't in Idaho so maybe you should give Nevada or Utah a try.
I am so tired of reading everyone complain about wolves and the horrible elk and deer hunting opportunities. My opinion, elk hunting in many parts of the state are rockin right now...including the Lemhi zone and other neighboring units. Sure elk habits have changed but great opportunity exists. Elk do move more often and in smaller herds to elude wolves which also can make them more vulnerable to the patient hunter. Most units in the upper snake region are within the F&G targets.

As for deer, I believe wolves have had a very small impact on numbers. Wolves are elk specialists and currently there are too many elk to feed on to switch to deer. Harsh winters and the poor winter range conditions are mainly to blaim for low deer number. I hunt in an area with no packs and still diminishing deer populations.

So keep on complaining and making excuses for your shortcomings and hunt elsewhere. I'll continue to hunt Idaho and have the opportunity to hunt every year...with very good success.
LAST EDITED ON Apr-13-10 AT 09:33PM (MST)[p]You don't hunt areas with wolves, but you're an authority on huntin elk amoung wolves! OK!!!!!
And it's good to see you're a firm believer in F&G wildlife counts! OK!!!!!

It's a little eerie, blood trailing a 6 point bull at 10pm and having several of these bastards howling within a half a mile of you, and all you have are a couple of flash lights and a bow!! Oh well the new thrills of hunting in the west! Muleynv there are some elk to hunt in all of these units, I'd suggest that you pick a spot and dive in, and be willing to move if it is to crowded, which can happen quite often, friday threw sunday morning can be brutal.

All this area at one time was pretty much pick your weapon, if there truely is a God up there hopefully pick your weapon will happen again! Good Luck!!!
My suggestion is to go to the IDFG web site and look at the havest statistics in looking for a place to hunt. Bottom line with the wolves, they are having an enormous impact, we still have some good years left in some of the units, but those good years are coming to an end. Most of those units within the next 10 years, and maybe sooner will not have huntable populations. Some units that I've been watching I am seeing calves still, others I am seeing almost no calves.
Just to clear things up I do hunt elk in area's with wolves and never said they don't feed on deer...of course they will but the winters and winter habitat are a much more critical.

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