Leica Warranty Changes Are Coming


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LAST EDITED ON Dec-20-07 AT 12:11PM (MST)[p]Leica Warranty Changes Are Coming, Never a better time to buy a Leica Ultravid Binocular or Leica Televid Spotting Scope:

Many of you know that Leica is bringing a new Ultravid HD Binocular to the market and has also announced new Televid Spotting Scopes at some future date -- of course at higher prices. This has created a great opportunity to buy from the remaining stocks of the current binocular and spotting scopes.

I just found out that Leica's warranty is going to change on all new release items & on Certified Pre-Owned Sports Optics. Passport Warranty will still be available on current Ultravids and Televids, however, the new HD series Ultravids and, when they arrive, the new Televids will carry a 10 year parts and labor warranty. There will no longer be a Passport Warranty (except on existing product, current Ultravids and Televids and anything that you already own that has Passport coverage).

The Certified Pre-Owned warranty is also changing. The change is from the current 10 years to a 5 year warranty. Again, if you have a Certified Pre-Owned with a 10 year warranty, it will remain a 10 year warranty. The Certified Pre-Owned Binoculars that we have in stock right now have the 10 year warranty on them and that will remain a 10 year warranty. Any new Certified Pre-Owned that we bring in from Leica will be covered by the 5 year warranty.

This change is seemingly due to a need to offer a uniform Worldwide Warranty consistent with German and EU law and regulation. Expect similar changes here from the other Euro companies as they have already made warranty changes in Europe and the rest of the world.

For those that are on the fence of buying, now's a great time. Before we run out of the 10 year warranty Certified Pre-Owned and the Passport covered Ultravids and Televids.

Call me for more details.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
If there is anything else that I can assist you with please let me know.
Camera Land
[email protected]

Have you heard if and how this is going to affect the other big 2 European brands?

Can't imagine spending that kind of money on something and not getting a lifetime warranty. That's too bad.

Shipping to Europe for repair work isn't cheap either!
You do not need to ship to Europe for repair work with any of the big three as they have facilities here in the USA.
My understanding is that swaro will be 10 years and Zeiss is fighting with Europe to keep the lifetime transferable going

If there is anything else that I can assist you with please let me know.
Camera Land
[email protected]

Thanks for the info.

I realize that the big three have offices here in the US, but many repair jobs take place in Europe. Are the North American offices going to cover shipping to Germany and Austria when the 10 year warranties run out?
Can you give me a basic explanation on how long and what is covered on the (current) passport warranty?

Also, am I understanding correctly that Swaro will no longer have a lifetime warranty soon?

I look forward to your response. Thanks!

The Passport warranty is an all inclusive lifetime warranty. Drop it, drown it, run it over with the car, you're covered. As long as the serial # is still legible Leica will repair or replace the unit, at their discretion.

It is my understanding that the Euro companies will all change over to a 10 year warranty as the laws in Europe will not allow a warranty to be longer than 10 years. I believe that Swaro will be next to announce this warranty change.

If there is anything else that I can assist you with please let me know.
Camera Land
[email protected]
Well guys, this made my mind up for me!
I just got off the phone with Doug.

Can't wait to recieve my 10+15x50 Leica Duovids!!!

Great service Doug! I'm happy you help us all out here on these hunting websites.


I bought my Swarovski optics in 2004 and they only had a 10 year warranty. I feel that this will hurt the european optic market because there are other optic companies that have a lifetime, no fault warranty no matter who ownes it. I've never done a comparison but the Vortex optic line is looking better all the time. fatrooster.
Would someone please tell me again how good Leica's warranty is?

It has been over three years since we sent in a Televid Spotting scope. They sent a letter stating it would cost $100 to fix the lense locking problem, that they knew that style of scope had. I sent the $100 for the "warrantied" repairs, and have still not heard from them as to the status of our repairs.
Not bad, spend $1500 for a scope, use it 3 months, send it in for warranty repairs and then never see it again!!!

Please tell me again, and again???
This sounds very odd. I do not know if you purchased this outfit thru us or elsewhere, however, I want to help you to get this straightened out.
I am away on vacation until the 7th of January. Please call me at the store to discuss this and I will make some phone calls and get this taken care of for you.

If there is anything else that I can assist you with please let me know.
Camera Land
[email protected]
LAST EDITED ON Jan-10-08 AT 01:07PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Jan-10-08 AT 12:57?PM (MST)

Sounds like more reason to stick with my Leupolds. Also helps that I live 45 miles from the factory if I did need something fixed. Waiting for my Gold Ring 10x42HD's to come in the mail right now. GO WITH THE LIFETIME WARRANTY!

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