Legs! Legs!!


Long Time Member
Here's a pair of legs you might not want wrapped around ya! they weigh 200 pounds and are real. TLC is doing one of there freaky shows about this lady. Shaq would be proud of them shoes. What you think boys?
I think KINGFISH was right. Some of the stuff you post is offensive.

"I needed a cheesy signature saying like everyone else"
I accidently Googled "legs with massive appeal" instead of "mass appeal". Sorry about the mistake and sorry about the post.
What a let down Brett!!
I was totally planning on opening this thread and seeing the legs of Julianne Hough, Brittney Spears, Kate Beckinsale, Jessica Simpson, Beyonce, Rehana.....ect; ect :-(

LAST EDITED ON Jan-06-09 AT 10:23AM (MST)[p]hang tight SlamMan, help is on the way soon i promise
Here's some legs for you Slam. Upside down it'd look like a peacock spreading it's tail.

Can you imagine the confusion on the wedding night? Uhhhh... which one?
Hey NV!
I have been in that perdicament before in my younger years.
There were two sets of legs, but also two sets of arms, heads and torso's.

Oooooooh to be young again!!!!!!!!! ;-)


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