Legends of the Fall 3

Ticks N Tines

Very Active Member
I just wanted to warn all those who are thinking about purchasing the new 2009 season elk video from Mossback. It sucks! Not sure what happened this year but the quality of this last video was terrible. No title menu, hardly any kill shots, crappy scouting footage are just a few of the things I was pretty upset about. Their videos in the past have been excellent and I own most of the elk videos. Maybe it's the economy or something, but they have really let me down on this video. There?s usually all kinds of good scouting footage, calling bulls in, and kills shots. This video seemed almost fake. They would show a guy with a rifle, then show a few bulls, and then show the guy with a dead bull.
Most of you probably don't care, but I thought I would throw out a warning just in case there are few guys planning on picking up this video.
Don?t waste your time and money!
Is there a video of the kill shot on Nate Young's and Denny's Pahvant bulls? How much was the video? ..20 bucks?
I can't remember each individual hunt, but most do not have a kill shot.
I paid $15 at the expo and they usually have a deal on them, but not this year. Guess they didn't make enough money this year :7
I have some on the way. Should have them today or tomorrow. I haven't seen either yet. I'm surprised though.

Brian Latturner
The video was edited by a new editor. I thought it was a good video but of course it didn't have a world record killed in it. Last years video was pretty awesome with a fantastic editor (jared teter). Jared decided to edit the Mossback Muley Heaven III video this year so someone else was found to edit the bulls dvd. The new editor has a different style and its not like what it has been. It still has some monster bulls and tons of footage.


Later, Brandon
LAST EDITED ON Feb-22-10 AT 11:08AM (MST)[p]The Muley Heaven 3 was good, I bought that too.
Most of the videos start out with tons of great velvet footage, this one had just a little footage and most of it was crappy quality. Then they usually have all the archery hunts, Muzzy hunts, and then Rifle hunts. This one was all scattered around. After each hunt a big screen came up with "Legends of the Fall 3" and then the next hunt started. Most of the hunts lasted about 5 minutes. They would introduce the hunter, film a couple bulls and then show the hunter with the dead bull. It was just kinda gay the way it was edited. I love all the "Bulls gone Wild" videos and the first Legends of the fall video. Anyone that has seen all the other videos and compares them to this one will understand what I'm talking about.
I just hope in the future they decide to go back to the old way of editing, cause this one sucks. If they keep this up, they will lose my business.
>Is there a video of the
>kill shot on Nate Young's
>and Denny's Pahvant bulls?
>How much was the video?
>..20 bucks?

I just watched those two hunts again. Nate Young takes a nice 380 bull with a broken third. He takes it with a Muzzy and the smoke hides the kill shot.
Denny also takes a nice 380 class bull with a muzzy and the guy filming the kill shot is shaking big time so you can't really see that one either.

There are still some dang nice bulls on that video, I just wish the quality was a little better.
I really like all the MB video's and DVD's on elk hunting.

I just got an order delivered today from MB and I should have pre-ordered LF3.

Thanks for the info 'H'....

I still gotta have it though----I don't want to break up my collection!

I think it was dang good. So there wasn't anything quite like the spider in it or a new state record but come on how many times can they break the record. Still some awesome pig bulls in it. Every Mossback video Big game, Deer, ELk whatever gets my blood pumping and makes me want to hunt or scout. I hope they keep them coming.
No doubt the MB team puts out the best elk videos out there. And I'm not comparing this video to the Spider Bull video. Personally I thought that one was a little rushed. They didn't show what anything scored on last season's video. I think they spent all thier time hutning spider, but it was still a great video.
My favorites are the Bulls Gone Wild. They did an excellent job with those vids.
Thanks for the heads up but all the MB videos I've seen were made this way. To each there own I guess. It's damn near impossible to make a video that everyone will like. I've made 2 so far and both times I had people telling me different things. One person would like the music while another thought it sucked. One wanted nothing but kills while another wanted less kills. In the end it came down to the way I liked it best and just live with the fact that some people won't like it.

I've never been a fan of MB videos I've seen 4 or 5 of them and the ones I saw were just how HJB described Legend of the Fall 3. As far as scouting footage and huge animals killed MB is hard to beat but I rarely watch a MB video more then a couple times. But then again I'll watch any video at least twice. I still buy MB videos just to see huge animals.

I think with MB people sometimes forget he's a guide 1st and foremost that's his bread and butter. It's hard enough to kill giants year after year but to get good video of these hunts is extremely difficult and as a guide sometimes you got to take what you can get as long as you get the animal killed. It's hard to do both and a lot of it boils down to luck.

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