Leftover trouble


Very Active Member
We just bought our leftover antelope tags. When I put in our credit card info and hit submit it jumped back to the main page. no receipt page or place to print our conservation stamp. Did I screw up or is there trouble on the website? We did it twice, same result. 3 in our group drew in the main draw. The second attempt would be there 3rd tag and the system didn't stop us. Do we have no tags? Of course the help line is busy. Anyone else have trouble?
I had the same issue, but I checked my card and the charge is there so I am assuming it went through. I too checked to see if I could buy a third tag in another unit and I could so that does concern me but I would not think the charge would happen if the transaction did not go through.
Same issue here, and we were charged too. Did you all do this as a group? We had a 2 person group. I'm wondering if it was site wide, or only the group option that had problems. As soon as it messed up, we went back and the tags were sold out. I'm desperately hoping that we got them.
LAST EDITED ON Jul-10-14 AT 09:05AM (MST)[p]Looks like they updated their site with this message:

"We are currently experiencing a problem with the credit card processor. We are working with them to resolve the issue."

Will be interesting to see what happens.
LAST EDITED ON Jul-10-14 AT 09:36AM (MST)[p]I just got a PM from a guy I've been helping and he had the same deal happen. He put in his CC information and when he hit the submit button it jumped back to the main page, but he's also showing his CC was hit for the charge. However, nothing shows under the section you can pull up on your account to see what has been previously purchased. He was able to get through to the Laramie Office and they said it's a big mess (no chit!)and I guess they've shut the system down for at least an hour to try to correct the problem. I hope things are smoothed out when I go in next week to buy doe tags.
System is back up but chances are any tags that you were lined up for at 0800 this morning are gone now.
I can't wait to see what they do. I show a pending charge but that doesn't mean fish and game has my infomation. I only wanted one tag but may end up with two. The second transaction would put 3 people in our group with one to many tags. I am sure they will stop that. My unit is now sold out so maybe I am going to Wyoming or maybe not.
I had the same trouble, tried calling the main office first the line was busy, called the Cody office and the lady said she saw tags being purchased and I needed to keep trying. I tried one more time and got kicked back to the main page. I see two pending charges now on my credit card.

I finally got through to the main office and they took my name, SPID, # of tags I was trying to get, and telephone number saying someone will call me.

We will see what happens.\
You guys keep hammering the site and get the bugs worked out for me and Gunner next week. We don't want any problems....
>You guys keep hammering the site
>and get the bugs worked
>out for me and Gunner
>next week. We don't want
>any problems....

I got through to the main help line. I was told that they could not check to see if I got tags. The only way to know was to see if your credit card was hit. Only one of my transactions went thru. It was the second one. Glad I tried again before the tags were gone.
Our card was charged, but I don't know how they'll know what tag I got since the system shows that so far I have zero tags.

Just to see, I went through like I was going to buy another one and it says "you have purchased 0 licenses so far" or something along those lines. Since the system says that I fear that they resold our 2 tags. I guess I can just wait for a call back. They originally promised they'd call back today, but now they say they'll call back, but they don't know when.
If the person I spoke with was correct "if your credit card was charged you will be getting a tag in the mail". I suspect this to be true
LAST EDITED ON Jul-11-14 AT 01:31AM (MST)[p]I checked my ability to buy a tag tonight when I got home and it has changed, I cannot purchase one so they must have added the tag to my account late today. That is good news, looks like they got things figured out, quick work on their behalf really.
Mine has been fixed as well. When I looked at "previously purchased tags" the proper tag shows up. I am very relieved.
That's great news for the two of you and I hope everyone else that was involved in the snafu was taken care of properly and promptly like that!
We had the same problem with a group app. My account shows a tag and habitat stamp now, though. Looks like we are headed for speed goats this fall! Glad it got worked out.


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