leftover areas


Very Active Member
Hey guys, for the first time in many years, I find myself not with a tag to hunt until November at home, so I am contemplating grabbing a leftover prairie carp tag. Any suggestions as to the remaining areas? Maybe a good walk-in or something?

Thanks in advance,

Maybe you should contemplate referring to Pronghorn as Antelope or Pronghorn instead of some smart-a$$ed and insulting name.

Would be nice to see a level of respect shown to them as they are a great big-game animal. I watch them year round, amazing animals that are tough as nails, surviving brutal cold weather, drought, predators, human encroachment,...just to name a few.

I normally welcome NR hunters to Wyoming...in this case, I'd rather you stay home.

Find a clue...if thats possible.
Maybe he was referring to coyotes or prairie dogs : ).

Hey you may have missed your opportunity on where to find some speed goats--- I mean pronghorn. I bet mr H knows where you could fill your tag in a leftover area, and you blew it!!!!!!! I don't live in Wyoming so I can't help you, sorry.

"That's a special feeling, Lloyd"
>Maybe you should contemplate referring to
>Pronghorn as Antelope or Pronghorn
>instead of some smart-a$$ed and
>insulting name.
>Would be nice to see a
>level of respect shown to
>them as they are a
>great big-game animal. I watch
>them year round, amazing animals
>that are tough as nails,
>surviving brutal cold weather, drought,
>predators, human encroachment,...just to name
>a few.
>I normally welcome NR hunters to
>Wyoming...in this case, I'd rather
>you stay home.
>Find a clue...if thats possible.

Wipe those crocodile tears there buzz. Normally I don't buy tissue for cry babies with a chip on their shoulder but in this case I'll make an exception. Good grief.

>Maybe you should contemplate referring to
>Pronghorn as Antelope or Pronghorn
>instead of some smart-a$$ed and
>insulting name.
>Would be nice to see a
>level of respect shown to
>them as they are a
>great big-game animal. I watch
>them year round, amazing animals
>that are tough as nails,
>surviving brutal cold weather, drought,
>predators, human encroachment,...just to name
>a few.

What's your take on wild horses? Lol
LAST EDITED ON Sep-23-12 AT 12:36PM (MST)[p]Easy fellas, the guy doesn't know me......but I have to say, Buzz, that your attack is as misplaced as your assumption regarding my name for antelope. I feel the need to tell you I also call them speedgoats and goshdamnits for how hard they can be to hunt sometimes, so if those names also offend you, my apologies.

I, sir, am an antelope addict. If I could find a way to hunt them every year in every state, I would. I settle for stalking them with a camera when I can. And until I can find a way to import gemsbok meat, antelope remains my most desired game meat.

If I were to respond in kind, I would say you are a cad for assuming that my usage of the word 'carp' is somehow a derogatory term. Shame on you, sir, if that is the case, because I also find carp worth my time. They put up quite the fight on both rod and bow.

How ironic that they also persist and survive under the most incredible environmental conditions and human encroachment and the continual attempts to remove them from waterways.

I don't take for granted ONE DAMN MINUTE that we have on our continent an animal that for all intents and purposes is a living fossil that evolved when predators were as fast as they, and are unique in every aspect from the other big game we enjoy.

My bad for assuming that no one would be offended by my name of affection to my favorite game. My bad also for assuming most folks on MM know my character by now.

Your bad for judging me based on one sentence, and in more ways than one.

ROBB- got the list buddy, looking at some of the WIA's today. I'm open to your wisdom. Wanna do a road trip?

>They arent wild horses...they're feral horses
>and compete with native wildlife.

If they're not wild, who owns them. Are they saddle broke. Just wondering cause I'd like a couple crazy ass bronc's for a Mexican shindig next weekend.
>Pred, are the prarie carp the
>ones that smell like gazebos?:)

ROLFMAO!!! Yes, Eel, exactly!!! I think my lip is curling.....
BuzzH, You were correct in your first post. "Prarie Carp" is not a term I would use if I were looking for help in finding an area to hunt. The term "prarie carp" gives the conotation of a trash animal, Which pronghorn certainly are not.

I know pred you didn't mean anything by it.
It is all good lil' Sis, slim pickings at this stage of the game.

Maybe Reach-out to W-Bob as he seems to have a lock on these leftover tag's!

Have a good week all,

I also found the term prairie carp offending. And I hate touchdown celebrations or when for some reason guys find it hilarious when they do manage to tip one over. If I'm not allowed to judge a guy by how he represents himself to the public, however disrespectfull he may be, I doubt I could expect the same guy to be civil in person.

Semper Fi
Pred, you have a good, and no doubt well deserved, rep. However, even if buzz came off a little strong I do agree with his point. I hope you find a decent tag and have a good Antelope hunt. Chip
Well I guess what I have learned here is that in an Internet forum where only words are the method of communication, it is easy to misread intent.
It's also real easy to assume things with no body language.

This is the first time in any conversation that anyone has ever told me the term is offensive in any way. I have celebrated pronghorn successes and failures numerous times with others on the antelope forum who use the term , none of whom think any less of them as a game animal.

My intent was not to be offensive, to anyone here nor to Antilocapra Americana. I have already apologized for doing so, and I don't think I've been uncivil in any way.

I disagree on judgement at first blush. I did not say your are not 'allowed' to do so. Everyone has their moments of idiocy, this one is mine. If I had just jumped everybody's **** who ever said stuff with which I disagreed, and written them off, I'd have denied myself some dang fine friends that have annoying quirks.

I sincerely appreciate everyone's perspectives. Clearly I underestimated the possibility that there exist some whose passion for pronghorn is beyond mine!

lol...You can shoot them with an arrow or you can shoot them with a bullet you can wound one and never recover it, you can talk about hunting them all year but by god don't call them anything but antelope when you're refering to them on a message board full of hunters....lol.. Gotta love politically correct america....it's everywhere. I wasn't offened I knew what you were talking about, I've seen enough of your post over the last 6 or 7 years to know you (preator) didn't mean any harm... Lighten up some fellers !
I'm pretty sure its a safe bet every one of us has been called something much worse than prarie carp by someone we care a whole lot more about than a person we have only communicated with on the internet.
Can we have a moment of silence for all the prairie carp who have been knocked over with a subsequent touchdown celebration?

Ok now that's over cowboy up cupcakes.
LAST EDITED ON Sep-24-12 AT 11:24AM (MST)[p]Lighten up some fellers !

Yea, I can't beleive she(predator)actually apologized!

The lesson here.

Don't get baited inn.
What a waste of time!
Can we have a moment of silence for all the prairie carp who have been knocked over with a subsequent touchdown celebration?

Ok now that's over cowboy up cupcakes.


Wait, was I allowed to say that? lmao
LAST EDITED ON Sep-24-12 AT 11:05AM (MST)[p]"He" is a she for those that don't know...

22 or 23 would be a cpl units I would look closer at. Some BLM up in the NE/NW corners where they join. 23 has a walk in (Johnson County) that would put it ahead of 22 in my thoughts but, those walk ins can be void of game too.
Dam, just saw the 2500 tag allocation for 23. They must want them dead over there.

If you just want to hunt Does, there are some left in 30 but when I hunted there the WIA was void of Antelope. One of the HMA's closed this year too and without any real BLM in the unit the HMA is the place to hunt.
113 has decent BLM too and is a little closer but would be Doe only as well.

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