left over antelope access price


Active Member
Since all the left over antelope tags are mostly private land what is a average prce to pay for access. Is there any of the units that have leftover tags where you have a good chance at a upper 70's buck.
LAST EDITED ON Jul-17-11 AT 07:38PM (MST)[p]There are actually a number of licenses, including buck tags, that have decent amounts of accessible public land if a person does his homework. Just in general I would say a person might go from hunting for free to upwards of $200 if a place is good. Also, most any unit has bucks of the caliber you mentioned if you get off the roads and have a few days to do some serious hunting.
16,17,20,21,22,23,26,25 to name some I know have that for you - and in some units $100-$200 will get you on a place - go later in the season and you will have a good time.

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