Left at the gas station



I now know why F-dude left his lady at the pumps.....


Looks like a good enough reason..LOL


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Poor Feleno. Still, I don't remember anyone ever actually seeing Feleno either in the flesh, or a picture. Makes me wonder about this mystery man. Maybe he is a hideous thing and his wife is a bombshell....or is he the GQ who got tied up to a Fugly lady...So many ways to analyze this gas station situation of his. I'm going with his wife is a bombshell who through unfortunate circumstance got hitched to Quazimoto.
Could ya blame me?

Spot on. My wife is hot, hot hot.... I have posted pics 2-3 times in the past, then she frowned upon that. They are still somewhere in cyber world though. Me on the other hand, I'm hideous to the point of being scary although a few brave MM souls have seen my mug in person.
I hate to burst your bubble grizz but in Europe they pay by the liter. That roughly came out to over $7 a gallon. Maybe knowing that will help get your focus back on the ladies.

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