Leaving for Kona tomorrow


Long Time Member
Going to Kona to get RUS his photos. Some one has to do this so I guess it has to be me. Will try to post huge marlin photos soon. If not expect scenery.

>Going to Kona to get RUS
>his photos. Some one has
>to do this so I
>guess it has to be
>me. Will try to post
>huge marlin photos soon. If
>not expect scenery.

Ransom, is that like in Hawaii(sp)? Good luck! See if they have any left over mule deer tags while you're there. Or maybe Elk?


Thanks. Spelling good. The deer in Hawaii are dinky and silly looking, and on other islands other than the Big Island where Kona is. There is sheep both feral and some type of wild sheep. Also hogs and dwarf goats.
The marlins on the other hand are HUGE. No mule deer or elk.
But on my return I'm going back to Idaho for another butt kicking. Bought the second tag as I believe that Idaho needs all the revenue it can muster to pay Larry Craigs legal bills.


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