Least attractive woman in rock music


Long Time Member
Has to be Patti Smith. Who do you think? Pictures welcome

Some others:
Janis Joplin
Annie Lennox
Courtney Love
Yoko Ono
Tracy Chapman

Honorable mention:
Dee Snyder
Feleno, I beg you, no I demand that you stop being so negative. Can't you put a positive spin on this and ask for the MOST attractive woman in rock music? It'd be much better to look at.
LAST EDITED ON May-11-10 AT 08:07AM (MST)[p]NV :)
Another 'bracket' of sorts is in the works.

Holy chit thats a good one Complete!!! Dang!
Is that seriously a woman? Coulda fooled me. At first glance it looked like Ozzy.

Nocked N Loaded
As Tag alluded to, it only takes bad apple to get a thread on the wrong course. What the heck were you thinking Rug?? Thats just wrong! Ohh is that wrong.
>As Tag alluded to, it only
>takes bad apple to get
>a thread on the wrong
>course. What the heck were
>you thinking Rug?? Thats just
>wrong! Ohh is that wrong.

Got it fixed now.....Bad rug Bad !!!!

and THIS

Beauty is only skin deep, "butt" ugliness goes all the way to the bone....rubber bone that is in this case:)

I have come to have high expectations of your threads. This has got to be your worst yet!

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