Leash your kids???


Long Time Member
i've seen this more and more... most recently 2 weeks ago at the airport. Good idea or bad?


I guess it depends on how fast you can run. I went to state in the half mile so my kid isn't going to out run me.
Not so much good or bad idea; but a hilarious one....

I think it's ridiculous..funny as hell...but ridiculous. It reminds me of that SNL skit with Mike Myers leashed to a jungle gym...

Overall, if you can't control your kids, don't bring em out or don't have em.
Probably not too bad of an idea now days. There are lots more sickos in the world now than there used to be that may want to grab a child if they saw the opportunity.

"You can recover from a tough hunt, you can't recover from quitting" - Cameron R. Hanes
I would say good idea in crowded areas. It only takes two seconds of not paying attention and your kid could be gone forever.
I thought the umbilical cord was supposed to be cut at birth?? Those things gotto stink!!

Those leashes really Fu***d up F-ers Friday nights. Sorry bad joke but someone had to do it :)
My only concern would be the Clark Griswold's of the world.
I wonder how long it will take for someone to tie a kid to the bumper?
It could be a skit for Jack Ass 3.

A conclusion is the place where you got tired of thinking.
When I was a kid (a loooong time ago) my family used to go to old mining camps and ghost towns. There were open mine shafts all over the place. My little brother was only about 3 and my mom had a leash like that for him so he wouldn't wander off. He blames all his problems since on the fact that we kept him leashed and treated him like a dog. :) Of course the upside was if you figured out how far the leash would stretch you could really mess with him. That and he did learn to bark pretty well.

The self righteous part of me wants to say "bad" but the practical part says "good".
some of you guys are always good for a laugh even when i ask what is supposed to be a serious question.
Have you seen my baseball?

A conclusion is the place where you got tired of thinking.

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