LE Turtle Tag?



I drew a LE archery turtle tag in Tennessee. I was just wondering if anyone knew where I might start looking. I don't want your honey hole or anything just some general directions.

Also, what is the best shot placement on a trophy class bull turtle?

I haven't figured out how to post pictures yet. I have some really nice bull turtle shell sheds I picked behind Cabelas. Any help will be appreciated.

SUDDENLY ?????..

I've been applying for the Eastern region for quite a few years now. The quality turtles seem to be in the East. I'm hoping next year will be the year...I've got 7 points.

LAST EDITED ON May-10-08 AT 10:23PM (MST)[p]Best shot is right in the pectoral fin, you must use a .257 Roberts.
Any other shot placement/caliber will result in an emediate headlong charge, usually resulting in an al-goreing.
RUS, an archery turtle hunt in Tennesse is very tricky! They have eye sight that is twice as good as Pronghorns, and can actually run faster over a longer distance than Pronghorns.

Your best bet is to either bait them or use decoys and calls.

Just a word about camouflage. Archers use camo for turkey, deer, and elk hunting as we all know. If a turkey, deer, or elk spot you they usually high tail it out of there and the hunt is over. With turtles it's a little different. You wear camouflage so the turtle doesn't see you, but not because the turtle will run away. If a turtle spots you it usually results in an all out charge. An all out charge is not something an archer usually survives. So pick out your camo like your life depends on it.

The biggest turtles in Tennessee are currently found along the Tennesse River close to the Alabama border. The new State archery record was taken there in 2006 by a hunter named Bubba Johnston. Bubba is a cousin of mine. If you like I can give you his address. He doesn't have a phone or computer though.

Good luck!

how many points did you have?
get a biggin!
I heard Barnes/Federal are working together and are close
to testing a Titanium Jacketed/ Uranium core .30 cal Rifle bullet..(think its .338 win mag) supposed to be the next new thing for those case hardened bastard!
Look forward to pictures and an article in Trophy Turtle annual mag!
I still have hopes for the Tortoise hunt in central New Mexico...I have max points!
Its not the Galapagos's Islands.....But I don't have that kind of money!
good luck

Eel is right about the Tennessee River. If you get your turtle you could drive down to Jackson Co., Bama, just across the border, and buy an OTC tag in Stevensville at the Sportsman Shack. Just tell them you know me because every body in town is my cousin or wants to be.
By the way don't tell ANYBODY you are liberal while in town. If you have to ask you better just stay away.
Good luck.

the best turtle hunting in tn. is pond raised. they eat all the catfish food and grow huge racks. i know of several b&c turtles in a friends pond. let me know when u come and i can hook u up. ohh i all most forgot the rut will be the first week of november
LAST EDITED ON May-11-08 AT 10:00AM (MST)[p]One more thing RUS. Tennessee is almost all private, but almost everybody there is related. Hunt anywhere you want though. Just tell them Bubba said it was alright. Stay away from Al Gore's place though. He's mean!

Here's a trophy

fyi guys, i have applyed for my turtle outfitters liscence. i was told after the fbi background check ide be good to go. im in the process of gettin flyers printed and have aquired numerous ponds and rivers as my private lease. ive just bought a log home and will be setting it up for the lodge. a pic of the lodge will be posted soon

Can I come along too? I'll buy a land owner tag so I can hunt. Please do me a favor and tell that big dork JB he can't come, besides we all know he'd be over at the neighbors house.

land owner tags are not cheap, atleast not in this area. this area of the state is known for its trophy bull turtles so tags go for a premium. because u are a personal friend ill try and get one for u
Gosh! Thanks for all the input guys, but you should know I have done my home work prior to putting in for this coveted tag.

Little known factoid, the Game & Fish in Tennessee is also known as The Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Fire Arms. When you apply for a license you have to submit a urine sample and DNA proving you are not from nor have ever been in the State prior to hunting turtle.

I'm not really interested in a high fence turtle hunt. I'm looking for that once in a lifetime challenge of looking into the eyes of a bull turtle and living to tell about it. I discovered that private property is not really an issue. If you contact the IRS, they are happy to sell you as much property as you need if you'll just pay the back taxes.

I was contacted by the Beauford T. Crummp turtle guide service. Beauford and his cousins or brothers or uncles (Beauford ain?t real clear on the genealogy) guarantees a quality turtle hunting experience. In fact he said that when cousin or Brother Billy Ray gets done with me I'll squeal like a pig. Not wanting to embarrass myself by squealing like a pig, I thought I might invite Mosnar to come along. He knows the locals and plays a mean banjo.

I found out the tag is any weapon so I'm toying with the idea of going with the baby seal club. I also found out the bull turtle has a keen sense of smell along with incredible speed and eye sight. I was hoping ?Old man of the Hills? would resurface and teach me the art of concealing my body odor using natural methods.

Well, wish me luck boys. It's a long bus ride from Utah to Tennessee.


Post script: Lesgo, you, Mosnar, Eel, JB, heck all of you are welcome to go but I get to stay at your neighbors house.
rus u are correct. their smell is incredible. the best way to cover human scent is to have your hunting partner piss all over u. i mean from head to toe. and i just found out as a non resident u must have a liscenced local guide to hunt free ranging bull turtles in middle tn. im not sure about west and east tn, u will have to check with twra on that
Lesgo ..... apparently you don't remember
the "Old man of the Hills" method. He could take care of that issue with out help. Unfortunately some liberal knuckle head made him mad and he left for good!

Now help me out here ...... looks like to me Tennessee has a whole bunch of east and west territory and not much north and south. Kind of a wide skinney State right?

Post script: Do you know Al Gore?

u are correct rus the state is skinny, and i dont know al gore and hope to never know him. he should be living in kali.
LAST EDITED ON May-12-08 AT 12:03PM (MST)[p]RANSOM....LESGO54!!!!!!!..WTF did I ever do to you guys?

We don't need any more Grannola Eatin', Tree Faggots in California.

Al Gore can stay right where he is, thank you very much!
Part right Kilo, part time Kali, part time Kona and I'm in the process of wrestling the old family plantation away from my cousins in Alabama.

Why do I get the feeling Ransom is on the run?

Maybe he should change his handle to "Bounty".


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