LE archery Book Cliffs bull elk tag



Hi guys. I drew a UT LE bull elk archery tag. I have studied topos and Google Earth a bunch and have been out there a few times scouting. Just wondering if anyone has any info they would be willing to share, or any suggestions on where to focus my efforts. Thanks.
Lots of elk, pretty much any canyon. You will start to see more bulls the closer to the end of the hunt you get. Get down to Divide Road and you can pretty much hit any canyon either East or West and find elk. There is a section of private land just West of Divide Road but it is posted pretty well. It is a fun place and should be a fun hunt. Good Luck.
Thank you so much, man. I'll definitely give that area a look and get out and scout it. I really appreciate it. Best of luck to you this huntin season.
Will do. Hopefully I'll have a good story to tell. I'll share the details after the hunt
Will do. Hopefully I'll have a good story to tell. I'll share the details after the hunt
LAST EDITED ON Jul-31-15 AT 11:02AM (MST)[p]As with pretty much all of the LE Archery Elk Hunts here in Utah, the closer you get to the rut, the better. One good thing about the Book Cliffs is there's a little bit better opportunity to see elk because of the large lay of the land and great spotting areas. You could find bulls earlier in the hunt by glassing far off canyonsides and such, then pretty much do spot and stalk from there. There is no lack of elk out there. You will see tons of elk no matter when you go (for the most part), but finding those big bulls early on is challenging.

You may want to steal away for a long weekend early on in the hunt, but if you're going to plan a week long trip, I'd make it the last week of the hunt. :)

I have some family headin out there tonight and I'll hopefully have something to report next week.

"Therefore, wo be unto him that is at ease in Zion!" 2 Ne. 28: 24
Thank you for the info, BrowningRage. I've covered a fair amount of country and have found elk, but mostly cows and smaller bulls. Finding bigger bulls so far has definitely been challenging. I've heard the last week can has the potential to be action packed, especially if the hunter is a good caller. I'd love to get a big bull early on, but if that doesn't happen it sounds like the later part of the hunt and pre-rut shouldn't suck. Thanks again for the info. I'll keep you guys posted during the hunt.
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