Latest Oryx hunt


Very Active Member
Did anyone do the latest Oryx hunt at WSMR? I think it was on Small Missle Range. I heard the weather put a damper on things and the harvest was no so good as previous hunts. I heard from F&G it was around 70%. Still not to shabby. Just wondering what to expect next month at Rhodes Canyon.
I agree with Vinny. Just go out and hunt hard. Don't be afraid to get off the roads. A lot of people go into these hunts expecting a very easy hunt. And a few years ago it was. Now, there's not as many animals, and the one's that are left are very intelligent. But, there are plenty of animals to make a quality hunt. If you put in the effort, you'll have no problems getting a big one.
does anybody know the draw odds or what a non res cost for a oryx?

thanks JD

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