Late Season Elk



Hey Guys i am wondering if anyone has any good information on the best areas for late season limited entry elk hunting. i want to shoot a nice bull in the 330 range and i have quite a few points. let me know what ya'll think.
330" might be big on a Premium Early Rifle/Bow Unit in 2011!

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What Voltage of Cordless Sawzall are you running & what's your quickest Drive-By at hackin the Horns off of RoadKills?
hornkiller---I made the same type of comment as yours on a couple other sites I'm on. I don't mind giving information and I love helping people, but I can't believe how many poeple come on a site, especially with a first post, and expect you to tell them what tree to sit behind, or questions that are easily answered in the G&F websites if they would get off their lazy azzes and do a little homework! Cripes, I have as much fun in the off season doing all the reseach as the actual hunts and then guys come on and want the unit they should put in for without even being involved in a site or doing any work on their own!!! That's another reason I like this site because it's obvious that 95% of those on here are not that type. End of rant!
So Topgun, what tree should I sit behind?
You've often told me where to go but never where to sit! LOL
(Oh hell I'm funny today!)


BTW: newbie poster, how many points do you have and what type hunt do you want? Where do you live? etc.etc.
Hey all you HATERS out there i was just looking for some simple input on where might be a good area. i have 9 points and just want to kill a nice bull. As for you suckers that have to big of an ego to talk hunting with a fellow hunter can comment elsewhere. its not like i am asking for the combonation to your gun safe. relax if you have a thought let me know if not get a life and comment somewhere else.
Whoa there Bumblebee,

I was asking you a couple questions to offer an opinion. (and was teasing Topgun a bit)

What State? Ut? Do you want a rifle tag? or a muzzy tag? horse hunt? backpack? roadhunt? will you have help? how far are you willing to travel?

I got that you have 9 pts and want a 330 bull but that's about as far as you got when your cork popped.

Take a breath, we can help..... If you can handle a little ribbing!


PS: we all had 1 post at one time!
Not a hater at all and I've probably helped more people on this, and other sites, than you can count to, including making colored maps with waypoints on them for a few people! I was just making a general statement to the other member and not referring specifically to you! I've just found that if you get your feet wet on a BB first and try offering some advice before asking for any that it seems to work better than asking on a first post---just sayin and that's my and other's opinion, but not every-one's. And for Zeke, how about a funny one addressed to hornkiller since I made my post to him, but maybe you're on a roll, hehe! PS: None of my maps had the tree to sit behind though, LOL!
Ok topgun,

I can see your post was addressed to hornkiller. I'll make it a point to leave you out when I try to lighten the mood.

Yup, maybe I only THOUGHT I was being clever!

Just thought we'd had enough interaction on other posts that you'd appreciate a little banter.

Sorry, no funny comments from me on hornkillers post.

alright i am calmed down. i am new to this forum stuff so take it easy on me. so does anyone have any good info on late season units in utah for dudes with like 9 points
LAST EDITED ON Feb-21-11 AT 04:47PM (MST)[p]Zeke---You took my post the wrong way! I didn't have any problem with you giving me a little chit, just wanted you to pass around a little bit more thinking maybe you were on a roll or something, LOL!!! That's the problem on these dadgum BBs when you type and use an incorrect word, can't put inflections and stuff in, etc. That's why I try to put an LOL or a hehe at the end of some of them to indicate it's in jest!!! Sorry you thought I was mad or something!!!
Not a problem Topgun.
This old dog is pretty thick skinned anyway.
The assumption was mine and I was wrong. I'm sure our paths will cross again.

As for big tuna bee, Have you looked at you odds (with only 9 points) and do you know where you could draw a tag?

You can click on the draw odds at the top of MM site and check you favorite areas..... then we can go from there. Maybe do your research and bounce your ideas off the reast of us.

bumble bee give us a little info on you, like what weapons you are willing to hunt with bow muzz rifle. rifle only etc. where you live. this will help determine closest best units for ya.
I am an archery or a rifle guy, but i don't do Muzzy. i live in Utah and am pretty young so i want to get a decent bull and then be able to start re accumulating points so maybe by the time i am 70 i can get another good bull tag. my odds are not great for the best late season units but they are ok for some good units like la Sal mtns. and central mtns. and diamond mtn but i am not partial so if you know aything about these or other units it would be great help.
>^^hey! now dangit....can't a n00b get
>any free help around here???

Now that's funny GW!

There is a difference between a hand-up and a hand-out. I wish BBT would do a little research and run his ideas past us.???
Just my 2 cents.
One of my daughters hunted early rifle Diamond Mtn a couple years ago. We hunted on my wife's property and everything around is private. There is some forest land on the fringe and this might be a good bet since elk move into that country for the late hunt. We had to hunt hard and really scramble to kill a 320 bull. It was the best we saw on 2 ranches. I've not seen a bull over 330" ever on the unit. 330+ bulls are not impossible to kill but it depends on the unit.

The other two units are not in my bag-o-tricks so someone else will have to comment.

Best of luck,

PS, If you draw a Diamond tag just send up a flare.
what do you mean about sending up a flare. and that is kind of what i have heard about diamond mtn. so it is not on the top of my list.
ya Zeke, i once gave a guy hell for kinda panhandling on the CO forum...a few 'internet expert consultants' got kinda frosted with me and thought i was being mean :)

the guy looking for info actually took it pretty well, and got to doing his homework, and i think felt empowered by finally just taking the damn initiative!

i will gladly help those willing to help themselves
>what do you mean about sending
>up a flare. and
>that is kind of what
>i have heard about diamond
>mtn. so it is
>not on the top of
>my list.

"Send up a flare" means post on the site if you draw and I'll give you all the info I can about the unit.

I must say that subsequent applications/draws for my son, wife, and other daughters have NOT been in that unit even though we have a place to hunt. My son and wife got larger elk on Wasatch and Pahvant respectively. The challenges of private property makes the unit low on the list for most people too.

thanks for the info on that one i will definetly try another unit besides diamond mtn.

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