Late season antelope



Being a novice antelope hunter, I was hoping someone could share what they know about hunting antelope later in the season. I've got a Unit 52 tag that I hunted with back in August with my bow, but came home empty-handed. I'd like to sneak a quick weekend rifle hunt in before the season ends, but due to family obligations will not likely be able to get out until the first part of November.

Basically, what I'd like to know is how their habits differ from early season to later season. Will they be in the same types of places and when do they start bunching up for the winter? Also, is there much antelope hunting pressure in November? I'm familiar with the area, just not familiar with the area in November. If it would be an easier hunt, I'd like to bring my 7 year old daughter along. Alot will depend on the weather, I'm sure.

Thanks for your time.

Not sure what state you're hunting, but typically antelope at that time of year will be in much larger groups. If they normally migrate that could be happening as well. The nice weather my be slowing that down. Bucks are easier to judge because there are so many of them together for comparison purposes. A lot of animals means twice as many eyes, but they are usually pretty calmed down due to lack of pressure. Where I hunt in Wyoming I hardly see anyone on opening day! You will probably feel like you own the whole country and have locked all the gates. That's what makes antelope hunting so great, "no people!" Take your kids, especially if there is someone else to stay back and watch them watch the show. After you shoot one, be very careful, because the horns will be popping off any time and you may find yourself holding one in your hand. No big deal though because you need to pop them off anyway to preserve them. Good luck and have a great hunt!
I'm heading out tomorrow. Hopefully I can find one with horns still attached!!
Thanks to the guys who took the time to give me some pointers. I only had one day to hunt, so I couldn't be too picky. He's not the biggest, but I had a blast hunting him. He's only 13", but he's got pretty decent mass. All total, he's close to 73". It was certainly different hunting them in late October compared to August bow season. I had a few challenges from snow and sloppy roads, but there were a lot of antelope to look at. They were all extremely skittish and did not tolerate any kind of vehicle or foot traffic. I found this buck with a group of about 20 antelope bedded in a shallow depression, which was just enough topography to allow me to get in range. I stalked to about 300 yards and set up. When they got out of bed, they walked quartering towards me and I was able to take him at 200 yards.

Congrats on a beautiful antelope. They are alot of fun to hunt. You did well. I could hunt them every year and never get tired of them.
Hey thats a good looking buck - and like the last poster said - about as much fun hunting antelopes as one can have!! Its tough not to go - once addicted:)

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