Last Year's Moose Back


Very Active Member
LAST EDITED ON May-27-14 AT 01:57PM (MST)[p]Got my moose back today, thought I'd share the pose, thanks.



Very nice, looks bigger mounted than I remember the field photos.
Nice palms and points.

I'll have my eyes and hands all over your trophy bull moose mount tomorrow!

I can't wait!

Maybe I'll just come up and sleep in front of your house tonight! LOL. It's going to be a pleasure to see it in person.

My friend, Littlebighorn, has also taken a magnificent Shiras moose and I make it a point to take a peek at his every time I'm over to his house.

I dare say it's even more impressive in person.
The only weakness that I can find is it's not on my wall!
The mass is is one of the things that really must be seen to appreciate.
It deserves the term "trophy".
Thanks Mr 30Hart,
"even more impressive in person"

A gorgeous trophy I could stare at for hours.

Zeke: Thanks for the area advice for my hunt that you passed on through 30Hart.

You're very welcome.
It sounds like I only comfirmed what you already knew.
Have a great hunt Mr Heartshot and keep us posted.

I'm sure I'll find another excuse to go back to 30Hart's place before long. (just to see his trophy) haha
Cool bull. I really like that mount. I'm trying to put my finger on what it is about that pose that I like. It is a less traditional pose, but I know I've seen moose acting like that. theres something ornery, rutting, aggressive, traveling about that pose. Is there any story behind why you did it that way?

Yes I stalked him in the heavy blowdowns after a fresh snowfall for a mile and a half and when I finally caught up to him he looked back over his shoulder hitting his antlers on the brush...turned back with his head in that pose and started moving out...I threaded the needle and dropped him with one shot.
LAST EDITED ON Jun-12-14 AT 09:09PM (MST)[p]30Hart
Your bull looks enough like mine that they could be related, except mine was shot in 1995, 75 miles west. The poses of our mounts are very similar with mine having a slight turn. It hangs on the wall of my vaulted family room and looks down at me while I watch TV. I still have great memories of that experience. Hope yours continues to give, like mine has for me!
Congrats on a beautiful bull.

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