last nights Dem debates


Long Time Member
Did any of you watch the debates last night? I did. I was glad to see some of Hillary's opponents chalenge her. Finaly. She sputtered and stammered all over the place last night. Toung tied a couple of times. Tim Russert never let up either. It was great.
Here is a picture of her getting hammered last night. Can you say Hagg Effect?


?Justice consists not in being neutral between right and wrong, but in finding out the right and upholding it, wherever found, against the wrong.?
---Theodore Roosevelt,
I watched it all! Pre Halloween show or what????? These people REALLY are scarry!

If I was a Demo, I would have to be looking seriously at Joe Biden. The guy has the grapes, makes the most sense and is no wimp......his gun control stand has always been way bad though.

I can't even comment on Clinton or Obama.....I'll get a nukin'

?Justice consists not in being neutral between right and wrong, but in finding out the right and upholding it, wherever found, against the wrong.?
---Theodore Roosevelt,
I did not see it, but it's nice to see that you guys are getting ready to have a woman for president. . .

You know she's going to win, so how about some talk about her polices. None of you like it when the media or bush bashers bash your guy because he's a complete idiot, so why do the same, why not raise the bar a bit and talk about real matters?

I think because you guys cant stand that another Clinton is going to be elected US president. . . you guys remind me of my 5 year old daughter when she's being scared by a holloween movie on TV, LOL. . . . TOOO FUNNY!
LAST EDITED ON Oct-31-07 AT 02:03PM (MST)[p]So, Hillary is talking to God.
She asks God, "Will the world come to a peaceful condition?" And God answers, "No Hillary, not in your lifetime".
Then Hillary asks, "Will the global warming issue be resolved? And God answers, "No Hillary, not in your lifetime".
So, Hillary asks, "God, will a woman ever be President of the United States?"

And God answers, "No Hillary, not in MY lifetime".
I have no problem with a woman being president, just not this 'woman'. Scared? Damn skippy! Her socialist views and agenda ought to scare the daylights out of EVERY breathing soul with a brain. Taxes WILL go up, small businesses WILL be put under by her 'progressive' policies like minimum wage, taxes, mandatory health care, no foriegn policy except appeasment, enviromental stupidity, and MANY other policies that WILL hurt small businesses, which are the backbone of America. I can NOT think of one major policy Hillbill is for that I agree with, not one. Last night's debate was classic Hillbill, she wouldn't even answer questions from the left leaning moderator of the debate. She was asked if she would pledge to keep Iran from getting nukes THREE times, the best she could do was say she would pledge to 'try', what a typical liberal response, as long as her 'intentions' are good, who gives a rip, right? Ask ANY of the leading Republican canidates the same question, and to a man they would/have pledge to STOP Iran from getting nukes, while Hillbill says she will 'try'.

Real funny tf, real funny. How about you try and show ONE example of a good policy Hillbill has suggested, just ONE!


Hard to win the presidency with a full 50% of voters who say they will not cast a vote for her.

keep in mind that Bush won with less. . .

Like I said, it's Hillary, against a three times divorsed, cross dresser liberal from new york maskerading as a republican . . . BTW, the Latter Day Saint aint got a chance, the radical Christian right never will let that happen, ever. . .

LOL I cant believe we're in such a strange state of affairs, I'm just glad I jumped ship from the "republican" party back in 2002. . .
Yea, just like under her husband's policies right? Clinton, like him or not, presided over the greatest financial growth in american history, and he got us out of debt at the same time. . .

look at the facts, dont just be blind by what you hear on tv. . .
>keep in mind that Bush won
>with less. . .
>Like I said, it's Hillary, against
>a three times divorsed, cross
>dresser liberal from new york
>maskerading as a republican .
>. . BTW, the Latter
>Day Saint aint got a
>chance, the radical Christian right
>never will let that happen,
>ever. . .
>LOL I cant believe we're in
>such a strange state of
>affairs, I'm just glad I
>jumped ship from the "republican"
>party back in 2002. .

Not true. Reread the post. I said 50% of the voters will NOT cast a vote for her. Those aren't my words, national polling data. 50% negative is huge. Out of the remaining 50% it wouldn't take many more lost votes to kill her.

LAST EDITED ON Oct-31-07 AT 02:56PM (MST)[p]>

>?Justice consists not in being neutral
>between right and wrong, but
>in finding out the right
>and upholding it, wherever found,
>against the wrong.?
>---Theodore Roosevelt,


I prefer this photo. Maybe she is hot.

>keep in mind that Bush won
>with less. . .
>Like I said, it's Hillary, against
>a three times divorsed, cross
>dresser liberal from new york
>maskerading as a republican .
>. . BTW, the Latter
>Day Saint aint got a
>chance, the radical Christian right
>never will let that happen,
>ever. . .
>LOL I cant believe we're in
>such a strange state of
>affairs, I'm just glad I
>jumped ship from the "republican"
>party back in 2002. .

TFinalshot, why did you have to post that? It's depressing. Your right no matter who gets into office we are in trouble. Is America that bad off that these candidates are the best we can find to represent us? If it comes down to Hillary and Giuliani I think I will boycott the election. I will definitely fall into a deep depression.
sorry ransom, Bush did NOT get 50% of the vote in his first election. . . in fact, he LOST the popular vote, so what is your point? NO one needs 50% to win. . .
>sorry ransom, Bush did NOT get
>50% of the vote in
>his first election. . .
>in fact, he LOST the
>popular vote, so what is
>your point? NO one
>needs 50% to win. .


Please see my analogy about wrestling in the mud.


With me? Why thanks Tfinal I thought you would never agree with me.
And don't confuse budget surplus with debt. BIG difference. Does the extreme northern latitudes make a person sluggish?
Does bigfoot stalk your area?
Do you think Hillary is hot?

50% of the voters say they won't vote for Hillary, so what, how many will vote for Rudy?

I'm not exited about it but short of some unforseen event Hillary will be your next president. the latest polls all show Hillary beating Giuliani by a small to fair margin if the election were held today, even the FOX poll! both Hillary and Obama pound Thompson hard, he's a non contender.

Hillary and Giuliani are both less than desireable candidates, both paries have let us down.

I agree with alot of your last post. Must be the moon phase or something. Negatives at election time are what looses elections. When a person really looks at the field of top contenders it looks inverted. Sad days.
Good luck in Arizona.

Dude is correct about both parties letting us down. They could have fronted far better candidates then what we got for the next election.
As for Hillary the crook, she is going to take alot of bigger hits then she has so far. The gloves have now just begin to come off and the people are going to see alot more of the dirt she has swept under the rug. The nice thing about this, is that it will come from within her own party who will sling the dirt to unseat her. Nothing like a good mud slinging that comes from a insider who has been poking around inside the house, instead of being outside trying to look in.
I really believe that hillary the B!tch has made some very formiable enemies within her own house and they will do their best to get even with her. They will beat feet to the press and Obama and the others will use it against her before the primary. The GOP will have to wait their turn.

There's some of truth to that but Hillary has had a target on her back for 20 years,I doubt there's much dirt not already in the wind. Rudy is unpopular in NY and the dirt is just starting on him from the national level. add to this the right wing extremist say they'll launch a 3rd party nomination because they hate Giuliani, splitting the conservative vote. it still boils down to an advantage for Hillary in my opinion.
Just a honest question .... when was the last time someone ran for president that got your knickers in a knot? Reagan? Clinton? Bush ? Nixon? Carter? Kennedy?

Point is, as long as we have elections .... most will piss & moan about the candidates. Personally, I think we have a fairly good spectrum of choices this go around on both sides of the isle. Sure as heck can't be worse than we are stuck with right now.

Let's wait till the conventions & then we can get really nasty!

"Personally, I think we have a fairly good spectrum of choices this go around on both sides of the isle. Sure as heck can't be worse than we are stuck with right now."

I agree for the most part to the first part. LOL. Unfortunately, the ones I like are unelectable. It will come to the lesser of two evils. One of those being Clinton.

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