Last Harlequin Hoorah



The Arizona quail season closed yesterday, much to the dismay of many bird hunters and their dogs. My last fling was made with friends Art from Alaska and Jim from Williams, AZ. Camp was set in the tall oak grasslands south of Sonoita, from which the quail quests were struck on foot from camp or after a short drive to a different set of draws.

The bottom of a typical draw.

Conditions were dry, which inhibited Rica's nose from scenting the birds.

The first day, we found a couple small coveys in a draw near camp.
We did find a cluster of about a dozen long-eared owls roosted on an Oak tree.

And Art did shoot his first Mearns.

Some days the coveys consisted of only two or three birds. One day, we found only one covey and missed all shots as the birds flushed up a hundred feet and over the ridge. One option was to climb up and hope to uncover a single.

Since we were hunting for five days and Rica was the only dog for four, our hunts were limited to about four hours per day, so not to wear her out. Nonetheless, after three days she was tuckered and we hunted behind Abby, one of Jim's GSPs, as he came down with his wife and a few dogs for the weekend.

Jim and Art survey from the top of the ridge which a covey flew up and possibly over.

The shorter hours of hunting allowed for photo time in the restful evenings and no requirement to wake before dawn.


After a good day of rest, Rica was spry again and ready for the last morning of the season. In a draw we had not hunted before, she located three coveys of 10-15 birds each, to make it our best day of hunting.
A lucky double.

The sun has set upon another Arizona quail season.

Nice pictures and story of the hunt down there. What is that object in the sky in the second picture, don't look like a cloud maybe a plane or a ballon?

LAST EDITED ON Feb-14-08 AT 11:17AM (MST)[p]That is the spy blimp tethered above Ft Huachuca whose cameras supposedly look for illegal traffic, possibly aerial.
Much welcomed photos, especially this time of year with all the snow and freezing temps. Thank you very much. Sorry your season had to end.....


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