Last Goodbye


Very Active Member
As the father of two sons that both served in the Iraq war and now one of them is on deployment in Afganistan, I thank the lord every day that I have them both. Never forget the ones who paid the ultimate price for us...take a few mins. watch this, and say a prayer for those that died.

My 23 year old niece's friend was killed in Afganistan a month ago....she went to his memorial in Orange County, Ca last week. After the church services they had a lunch gathering at a park that also has ball fields. With the flags and other things it was obvious what their gathering was for. On the ball fields were a large group of young boys practicing for a footbal league. Those kids and their coaches could tell what the gathering was for. When they finished practicing every single pads and uniforms marched single file over to where this gathering was and stood at attention...then all 40 or so of them got down and did 10 pushups, stood back up and saluted the crowd. There wasn't a dry eye to be found.

These were kids and coaches that had nothing to do with the memorial......believe me, this is not an urban legend. These stories aren't that rare but they never make the news.

great post/pic, thanks for sharing

I would have liked to have seen that, those that gave all deserve all the respect we can give them!!
Man if that video doesn't tug on your heart strings there's something wrong with you...

For those that gave all, respect is the least we can give...


The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.
I hope that the citizens in this country have grown to the point that they will never again subject an American Serviceman to the injustice that was given to a lot of returning Viet Nam Vets.

JB thats a great story,,,,,,,, Good for those young men and there coaches for recognizing and respecting what was going on.
That does make you sad to see all those who gave the most I had tears in my eyes watching it.I'm glad my son is out now.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".

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