Last day rewards...



for my sore tired feet I found this today it was the close of Oregon's southern season.

LAST EDITED ON Nov-02-07 AT 09:13PM (MST)[p]Manny! Dude, it's ok to open your eyes.

Seriously, we have a european hanging on the wall that looks a whole bunch like that one. I'll see if I can find some photo's.

this is a blacktail so it was a good find, not sure if it was a lion kill but it was the first thing that came my mind...

it was pretty frustrating this year for me, walking into a wildeness area and only see two deer the hole day, 2 miles south of there is Calif my old stumping grounds and they killed a 27" monster two weeks ago, cross I"m sure....but i only had one day to hunt this week, my wife had foot surgery agian...
good work manny! looks like a i-5 valley buck to me not a central or. buck my son lives in sunriver. rick

My blackie hunting was pretty much the same. I have a cabin up in the NW part of Kali. I saw a HUGE 4x4 many times from July to September. About 1/4 mile from the house. Bounced an arrow off his back Labor Day Weekend, still haunts me. Never saw him during rifle season. Had one day hunting ruined by CAMP, good cause but wrong day. When I say huge I mean the biggest live blacktail I have ever seen. These deer are pure blacktail.
Going back to Idaho later this month to try again.

>good work manny! looks like a
>i-5 valley buck to me
>not a central or. buck
>my son lives in sunriver.


I was in the mounument near pilot rock off I-5...
I guess it is legal in Oregon to pick up skulls, here in Utah that would get you a fine and a record. Cool looking blackie, I like how his eyeguards are well away from the bases.

When I saw the title of the thread and who started it, I assumed it was about "THE last days" and the "rewards" that some will recieve then. Way to throw a curveball!

>I guess it is legal in
>Oregon to pick up skulls,
>here in Utah that would
>get you a fine and
>a record. Cool looking blackie,
>I like how his eyeguards
>are well away from the
>When I saw the title of
>the thread and who started
>it, I assumed it was
>about "THE last days" and
>the "rewards" that some will
>recieve then. Way to throw
>a curveball!

LOL...thats what you get for Assuming the worst...

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