Lassen County Rush Fire



The north side of Skedaddle Mnt just below Hot Springs Peak. The Fire burnt most of the major Mnts in X5B. I saw one pair of Chuckers and four wild horses and not one set of deer tracks on this Mnt.

that fire was a tragedy. X5B is/was some of my very favorite country to hunt. Had a great spot for sage grouse out there but that'll probably never come back in my lifetime.
Last fall/winter was very disappiinting out there. I'll post pics this fall and hopefully it'll show some promise. I did find unburned land on the top of some ridges, that held birds. Only deer I saw were all bunched up in late Oct. Expect the worst and hope for the best.
>Bummer about that big turtle in
>the lower right hand corner
>that died.

LoL! Good eye...A before in the area!


I had a Antelope archery tag in that area I harvested a nice pronghorn but didnt have time to retrieve 3 blinds and 4 game cameras before the fire hit and fire crews wouldnt let me back in on my quad to retrieve them. Still mad about that. No more Grouse hunting in that area for a long time now. damn shame.
I'm glad the tutle got snuffed. They are responsible for as many deaths to the deer herds as cougars, bears, and yotes. If not more.

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