Las Vegas ??


Very Active Member
I'm a total Redneck and have only been
on a plane one other time.

Going next month...with wife....

I need advise.....

LAST EDITED ON Jan-29-11 AT 07:54PM (MST)[p]well....unless your wife is a real sport, I would suggest not soliciting a hooker.

.....the hoover dam tour is worth a look and an afternoon of machine gunning at the Gun Store is worth a try...expensive though

LAST EDITED ON Jan-29-11 AT 08:28PM (MST)[p]Been there twice during my time in the military. Well the Hard Rock is always a nice place just to walk around and look at all the rock star's stuff on display. Try looking on Ticketmaster for concerts that might be going on there. Almost everyone makes a tour stop in Vegas because it is Vegas. George Strait is going to be at the MGM on Feb 5th for example. Walking the Strip from casino to casino is a blast, stopping in front of the Bellagio to see the water show is cool, and going down to the old Strip to see the Fremont Street Experience (the moving light show over top of your head) is pretty cool as well. Awesome thing about Vegas is practically everything is open 24/7, so you can always find something to do day or night. If you want a heart attack go to Hart & Huntington tattoo shop in the Palms and see the prices they charge for some of their tattoo work, I about did. Of course there is always gambling, just set a budget to how much you are willing to loose, LOL!
Go to and check out shows, restaurants, etc. You can find the deals there. You can have a lot of fun (that is, you can entertain the wife) walking through some of the bigger casinos, such as New York, NY, Paris, MGM, Caesars, etc. The fountains at the Belagio, the Treasure Island show, and the tigers at MGM are free shows.
Believe it or not ,There are ELK ,DEER and some of the states best Rams within 45 minutes of downtown.It just depends on wich direction you go.The fishing on Lake Mead for Bass ,Stripers and Catfish has been good lately as well.
Oh and dont forget the CrazyHorse II,They have a great roller coaster ride ,Her name is Lexi,she is way better than the ride at New York New York .She does have a problem with leaving snale tracks on yer knee though.Either way, both rides are worth the 20 BUCKS.
find a show to go to. You will not be disappointed for sure, most of the casino shows are very impressive, +1 on the Bellagio fountains, impressive! Walking the strip is good, can turn into a long walk, you look and think "it's not too far to the next place" its farther than you think! There is a ton of things to do there, if your bored then it's you own fault for sure.
Las Vegas= More bums then you can shake a stick at, more whores walking the streets then you've ever seen, tap water is undrinkable, trash everywhere, F-d up people everywhere, everyone and everything is after your money, Las Vegas should change its name to North Mexico, hotter then hell, nothing to do except drink, gamble, get whores, and go to tittie bars, people go there to do things they wouldn't do in their own town, anywhere you can drive to on Lake Mead is trashed out, dark colored people openly selling drugs on the streets, if it's not bolted down or chained up it will get stolen, if you're a white dude I think it's mandatory that you have several tattoos, some piercings and some type of facial hair going on, and everything is brown, the people, the ground, the sky, the trees, the bushes, the houses, everything. That's just what comes to the top of my mind right now. Have a fun trip.

No estas en mexico ahora, entonces escoja tu basura
chancho sucio.
LMAO....sound like you had a real good time! When you going back?

>Las Vegas= More bums then you
>can shake a stick at,
>more whores walking the streets
>then you've ever seen, tap
>water is undrinkable, trash everywhere,
>F-d up people everywhere, everyone
>and everything is after your
>money, Las Vegas should change
>its name to North Mexico,
>hotter then hell, nothing to
>do except drink, gamble, get
>whores, and go to tittie
>bars, people go there to
>do things they wouldn't do
>in their own town, anywhere
>you can drive to on
>Lake Mead is trashed out,
>dark colored people openly selling
>drugs on the streets, if
>it's not bolted down or
>chained up it will get
>stolen, if you're a white
>dude I think it's mandatory
>that you have several tattoos,
>some piercings and some type
>of facial hair going on,
>and everything is brown, the
>people, the ground, the sky,
>the trees, the bushes, the
>houses, everything. That's just what
>comes to the top of
>my mind right now. Have
>a fun trip.
>No estas en mexico ahora, entonces
>escoja tu basura
>chancho sucio.
Depending on the lenght of your stay..If your renting a car and taking in the Hoover Dam. If you continue on about 4 hours(look at map) you can make it to the South Rim of the Grand Canyon out of Williams and return to Vegas all in one day.

Stay around the newer major hotels at the south end of town near the MGM area and airport. The older north area is full of drugs/trash/theives. Its everywhere but worse in the older part of town. You don't want that experience.. but unfortunately that's Vegas these days.

Don't expect to win any money in Vegas if you gamble..Better chances at an Indian Casino if you are into gambling..

They have a nice huge Bass Pro Shops Sporting Goods store with huge attached hotel/casino a couple of exits from the airport and 5 minutes from down town.

Cab's are better unless you are going sight seeing out of town...Traffic, Parking can be a hassel..

Cops are everywhere don't party and drive..

Check out the bass pro shop and you can buy alot of good things instead of gambling it away.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>Walking the strip is
>good, can turn into a
>long walk, you look and
>think "it's not too far
>to the next place" its
>farther than you think!

That's the truth! I remember saying that exact thing. After walking for half an hour and only half way there, I decided the tram was awesome.

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