las vegas to vancouver island bc



LAST EDITED ON Aug-27-07 AT 05:45PM (MST)[p]my name is rick worked for southern nv. paving in vegas. my wife is going blind. she lived on the island for 20yrs. her kids live up here and grand kids. things were to crazy in vegas. so one day we packed up and moved to the island. i know if it were me i love to see my kids as long as i can see. still waiting on my work papers to go to work. we love it here the people are great the fishing good and and the deer are small .will miss the muleys owell have to give up something. will post photos soon. oakey




I'd want to be w/the kids too, Rick. Hope everything goes well on the island. Can't wait to see pics.
man they dont make this easy at all. they 2 sunsets are old photos that i had posted awhile back. was in a folder whith the flower. the others were to large to post. how do you resize? oakey
Beautiful photos!

and about photo posting...I upload all my photos to photobucket. Just open up a photobucket account. It's free. Then you can upload right from your c drive and there is an EDIT feature right there above your pics and you can make them just the right size. I always choose the 320xwhatever it is size for posting on boards. To put the pic here, you just post the "direct link" url(2nd one down) and the pic will show up. (if you go to photobucket you'll know what i'm talking about)


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