Larry Dahlberg


Long Time Member
I don't know about you guys but aside from hunting, i love to fish.
Everybody probably has a pretty good idea who they think the best hunter they know is, this thread is about a guy that i think is "the best all around fisherman".

"The Hunt for Big Fish" airs several times a week, hosted by Larry Dahlberg, who seeks out the biggest, knarliest, tooth infested, tackle testing, fish that swim anywhere on earth. Simply unbelievable, the exotic places he'll go, the primative transpertation he'll use, and the incredable efforts involved, to catch all these different kinds of monster fish on film...and he's very, very good at it.

If not Dahlberg, who do you think is the worlds best all around fishermen?
Bill Dance. j/k hahaha. That Dahlberg character sure uses some weird lures. Bound to be collectors items, don't you think Joey? I like his show.

Bill Dance? Ha! I guess in his day, he won lots of Bass tourny's. Now it appears that most of his shows are for beginners filmed on private farm ponds. That guy on "Spanish Fly" is pretty good.

Yea, dahlberg does make lots of his own stuff, markets it too. He's inventive all right, nothing i gotta have, yet anyway.
Hands down Al Linder is the best teacher of fishing on TV. Larry Dahlberg and I have exchanged letters and he has sent me a few video tapes for my kids at school. He is the best at the specialty of choosing to fish for the worlds most exotic fish and he is one heck of a guy. He lives a mere 75 miles from me and I have talked to him on the phone a number of times. I really think the world of Larry, but Al Linder has impacted far more people.
LAST EDITED ON Apr-14-08 AT 06:34PM (MST)[p]Driftr, Al linder, quite a guy and yes i'll throw in with you as him being one of the best...especially at teaching to bring guys up to another level. Good choise & Thanks!

I think, but not sure, that Dahlberg actually worked on that Al Linder show some years ago before they sold.

202, How much did Hunterharry have to pay you for this endorsement?lol. Actually, have enjoyed many of the great pic's of the fish he's posted. Dandies and no easy feat. Steelies were a passion of mine for years, sure didn't mean that i caught that many.

You are correct he did work with the linder brothers and i still have video of some of those shows and use them in my fishing class in the summer. Great guys doing us all a favor.
IMO the guy on Spanish Fly is a racist. I can't stand to watch the show anymore becuase of it. If he was white the show would have been off-the-air along time ago.

Take a kid hunting. You will enjoy it more than they do!
d13r, i remember that guy, he used to do shows fishing all over the place. i remember his showing how lures worked by swimming them in a fish tank. old timer!

Feleno, Cindy huh? Being you got me thinking, i been noticing how well that Bradshaw gal fits them waders while paling up with Larry Zonka in Alaska. She's fine, he's a hack. Great gig if you can get it!

264, Not saying you're wrong, just can't say as i've ever noticed. I just threw that name out there. He is a pretty good fisherman. Jose!
believable rumor has is Czonk and her are engaged. always wondered what kind of relationship they had until i talked to an old buddy who use to work for the production company.

Cindy wouldn't be bad to have as a fishing guide as long as she wouldn't talk. That cackle gets old fast

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