Larimer County, CO, Sheriff on gun ban at CSU.


Long Time Member

?I have told the CSU police chief I will not support this in any way,? Sheriff Alderden told The Gazette. ?If anyone with one of my permits gets arrested for concealed carry at CSU, I will refuse to book that person into my jail. Furthermore, I will show up at court and testify on that person?s behalf, and I will do whatever I can to discourage a conviction. I will not be a party to this very poor decision.?

Compromise, hell! ... If freedom is right and tyranny is wrong, why should those who believe in freedom treat it as if it were a roll of bologna to be bartered a slice at a time?
They're even banning pepper spray, where do they come up with these ideas?

23-1 vote against ban, but it still passes?
"I don't care about the facts"

Nocked N Loaded
23-1 against it and it passes WTH? Why did they even try democracy when its oblivously a dictatorship. Sad.
Over 3300 votes, and 93%, including me, are for ignoring the ban. No real surprise in Ft. Collins, but a big surprise Pueblo students voted for the ban, excluding pepper spray. There was another shooting at a middle school in Denver, thank god a teacher had a sack, but how can anyone not be for a concealed permit?
Let's think this through, if someone wants to go somewhere and shoot numerous people they will do it.
It doesn't matter what laws, ordinances or whatever are in effect!!!

However if you allow concealed weapons (by the way, the criminals keep them concealed anyways!) maybe there will be a chance someone else can take out a criminal before he harms anyone or too many people.
fight fire with fire.
btw, I bet this makes all the young women feel REALLY safe now walking across campus after a 9 pm study group all alone.

If I had a daughter I'd make sure she did not attend CSU.
Especially if they even outlaw pepper spray? Really? Who are these idiots?


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