Land Closures 2024


I have been seeing a lot of fires popping up here. I've been in contacted with local forester's and sounds like the logging companies are talking about closing down access for the 2024 season. SPI is a high possibility of being closed. Anyone else hear anything?
Wondering if Peta and Sierra club groups could behind the fires. I know it sounds crazy,but I'm talking about crazy people. I wouldn't put anything pass these people do what ever to keep pushing climate change and limit us from hunting.
Transient started a fire up north a few days ago.

The litigation outcomes of the Moon fire made it a no brained decision for private land owners to just shut access off instead of deal with being liable for fires on their land. Sad but predictable outcome of life in lawsuit friendly California.

Good portion of X2 is now off limits that was huntable for decades.
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