Land blocking

So, if they devalued the ranch by crossing a corner, is the owner admitting they are right.? He said he bought the ranch believing he had control of the public land... It looks like he's suing for losing that control... meaning the corner-crossing is allowable and/or legal...

Also, I hate all that checkerboard crap. We have tons of it here in Utah as well. Who dreamt that up as a good idea.?
So, if they devalued the ranch by crossing a corner, is the owner admitting they are right.? He said he bought the ranch believing he had control of the public land... It looks like he's suing for losing that control... meaning the corner-crossing is allowable and/or legal...

Also, I hate all that checkerboard crap. We have tons of it here in Utah as well. Who dreamt that up as a good idea.?
The railroad companies
It was dreamed up by our government as a incentive for the private railroad companies to build a railroad line from the East coast to the West coast in the 1800's. Every state that railroad line went though has sections of public land that was deeded over to the railroad companies.
The reason you have "tons" of that land is the fact the two railroad companies met together in your state.
So, if they devalued the ranch by crossing a corner, is the owner admitting they are right.? He said he bought the ranch believing he had control of the public land... It looks like he's suing for losing that control... meaning the corner-crossing is allowable and/or legal...

Also, I hate all that checkerboard crap. We have tons of it here in Utah as well. Who dreamt that up as a good idea.?


That's what he, and numerous others want, free land

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