Lakers Fans?


Where are all the Lakers fans? Thought for sure they would be on here worshipping at the throne of the almighty Kobe.

Say what you want - dude has ice in his veins and was not going to be denied. Congrats to him and his teammates, and of course the realy wizard - Phil Jackson. 10 titles - wow!

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
i'm a big Lakers fan. Also a big Kobe fan. They won easily as expected and the best player in the league gets his 4th ring. I can take or leave Phil though but you gotta give him credit for #10.
All the "Laker Fans" are in downtown LA destroying private property and ruining the lives of honest, hardworking shop owners.

And friends ask me why I hate basketball!!!!!!!!!!!!

"THESE PEOPLE", have worked very hard for 40 years to make me a racist....they have succeeded.
Nickman, these "animals" look for any reason to go out and act like animals.
The basketball game was just an excuse. They need to be shot in the act and it would end real quick.
I'm in Los Angeles wrapping up a job and yes they are animals! How is tearing up public and private property ok? Because your team won a championship? Lets not forget the breaking into stores throwing crap at the police and all the other the looting they did. Pure and simple for the mayor! Lets spend 1.2 million on a parade. In his words the people need a parade....
If you want some good laughs, go to You Tube and type in "Kobe rape rap" and watch his so called rape victim rap about her experience with Kobe. It is disqusting but worth a few demented laughs. That chick is nuts.

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