Lake powell

That's rough.... I guess that I was assuming that since Utah got lots of snow this season, that Lake Powell would see some excess water. I guess the snow has to fall on the right slope though....

The drought continues to be hard on many parts of the west. :-(

Just a few weeks ago the snowpack was at like 95%, warm weather is really melting it. Also March has been very dry this year which is usually our second wettest month of the year. Starting to not look too good again. Pray hard! Maybe we can get Polarbear to do a raindance for us!lol
next weekend i am going on a 6 day hiking trip up by lake powell our destiation is rainbow bridge to be exact. i hope that here still is water there because we are only packing in 6 quarts each and will have to refill everyday as to prevent dehyrdation.
> Here you go Rainbow bridge
>a few years ago when
>I was there.

Last time I was there was 1970. That is some low water. I was considering a houseboat vacation there in about three years (that way my youngest could get the most out of the vacation as well) I would not want to go with water that low.
What is a reasonable level for that lake and how can one find out such information before commiting to a trip there?
A few years ago I met some guys who deer hunt out of house boats up there, I wonder how that low of a water level will affect their hunt, they told me it take like 6 hours to travel(up the lake with house boat) up to where they hunt then they hunt the shoreline with small boats, they had some pictures of some really nice bucks.Looked like it would be a fun way to hunt the lake.
The story about guys shooting some big bucks while staying on a houseboat on Lake Powell sounds fishy to me. Lake Powell is in Glen Canyon National Park. It is illegal to even shoot carp with your bow there. I don't think you could go far enough up the Colorado River in a houseboat to get outside of the park boundries.
BrianID, it is not "Glen Canyon National Park" it is Glen Canyon Recreation area. Yes you can hunt there provided you have a current hunting license.
My bad it is Glen Canyon National Recreation Area. I'm not an expert on the hunting in that area but I have have spent a lot of time fishing Lake Powell. From what I understand it is illegal shoot a bow anywhere in the Glen Canyon National Recreation Area. If you can't even shoot a bow there, how can you hunt there?
Trust me you can hunt there. As long as there is a season in progress and you have a permit. You better make sure that all your ducks are in a row. Those park rangers are pricks. They are a bunch of enviro freaks out to save the world and they dont like you hunting but there is nothing they can do. I have had a run in with the rangers about hunting coyotes however. They say you cant hunt them because there is no season for them and there is no permit issued for them. I dont know if thier claim would stand up in court but it isnt worth fighting them over a coyote.
Now they didn't tell just where they hunt just that it is a long boat ride up to where they hunt, they didn't say if they have trouble with the rangers, I can only say they had some nice pictures of some huge bucks, and they did well just about every year.If I remember right there was about 8 of them that took this trip each year and they had some nice bucks to show for there time. seem like each year there would be one(buck) that stood out from the rest.They had a lot of good fish pictures too.

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