Lady Educates U.S. Senators on the 2nd Amendment



Many of you may have seen this, if not take a few minutes to watch this woman.

This will make your blood boil. This lady does a great job of explaining herself and the 2nd amendment. This is good

Even if you usually don't watch video clips, be sure to PLAY this one!

This is a must watch video; after watching the video all I can say is: Watch their faces as she speaks. She understands the 2nd Amendment in a way that they never will. Pass this clip to everyone you know.>

Many of you may have seen this video but if not take a few minutes to watch it.


"Only Two Things are Infinite" -
The universe and human stupidity and I'm not so certain about the universe.
Great video.If only we had more people like her representing us and going to battle for our rights.Thanks for posting.(ROD)
LAST EDITED ON Jan-09-09 AT 03:56PM (MST) by kilowatt (moderator)[p].....and those plicks she was speaking to could care less....they think she is an unwashed heathen....

great post/pic, thanks for sharing

Thanks for sharing that video, it did make my blood boil and gave me goose bumps.
The only reason the Japanese didn't put boots on the ground in the lower 48 during the war was they knew we were all armed. If nothing else that should be the reason for upholding the 2nd and not mandating restrictions. These "libtards" just don't get it.
Like the saying goes:
I'd rather be tried by 12 than carried by 6.
I have also used that saying for years Tom, I'd rather be tried by 12 than carried bt 6... So true. Isn't it amazing how ignorant many of our elected are? And your damn right about the Japanese not invading the lower 48, They knew that the U.S. being a well armed nation they would they would come up short.


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