

Very Active Member

I'm still laughing about this one!

Like a Weime color? She's pretty, but I dunno about those eyes.

My shepherd gets those same wierd eyes with her ball, too. :)

LAST EDITED ON Nov-15-10 AT 11:46AM (MST)[p]I'm a K-9 Handler for the Morgan County Sheriffs Office and my drug dog is a black lab. He is a drug finding fool. Got me some dope in a car I stopped last night.

Funny pic
Pred, too funny! I had a Black Lab that was also a Meth Lab. Most hyper dog I have ever known. Hard to control but was a super retreiver. He would stay on every blind retrieve until he found it. From daylight to dark if he had to. Absolutely on quit in that dog. His name was Brake's Tar Baby.

He was a one man dog though. He would retreive a Blue Whale for me (or die trying) if I sent him, but he would totally ignore any command given by anyone else.

One day he was stolen out of his kennel when I was at work. I was sick about it. Three days later I heard a truck pull up to our house and stop. The passenger door opened and out jumped Tar Baby. Man, were we glad to see each other. I'm sure whoever had him got frustrated trying to get him to obey. I loved that dog!

So you really do have a meth lab!

I am sure you are mistaken. There can't be any drugs in Morgan County.

You were profiling my city's residents again, huh!


I got a white lab that has very little caramel color on her tips, ears and tail.
My seester has a red lab that looks really cool.
>So you really do have a
>meth lab!
>I am sure you are mistaken.
>There can't be any drugs
>in Morgan County.
>You were profiling my city's residents
>again, huh!

Stopped car out of Wyoming tonight. Walked my K-9 around and he alerted to drug odor. Found dope and paraphernlia. Thats four drug related arrests so far this week. My dog rocks!!!
My dog would be GREAT at finding kongs...that's about it. But she'll do it until she drops.

Shoulda made a search dog out of her. No time!!

She is a pretty good chukar chaser, tho.


Love mah dawg!

My dog gets a kong for his reward when he finds drugs. Its his favorite toy.

Good looking dog....I want a shepard.

>My dog would be GREAT at
>finding kongs...that's about it.
>But she'll do it until
>she drops.
>Shoulda made a search dog out
>of her. No time!!
>She is a pretty good chukar
>chaser, tho.

>Love mah dawg!
LAST EDITED ON Nov-16-10 AT 05:58PM (MST)[p]Labs are doofus' and I am on my 3rd one. I've had a black (Midnight), yellow (Buck), and now a rusty lab (Hawk). Each one special in their own way and wonderful with my boys. But every single one of um was such a goofy thing, smart but goofy... I'll likely get one more in my life maybe a chocolate or white.

So thats the culprit that causes sprained ankles when it loses its KONG and costs you hunting time spent at home?

Nice pup


Yup she's the one what ruined a sheep hunt!! I think she did that deliberately, too, dangit. She got what she wanted, not only did Mom not leave, but she got me all day every day for about 4 weeks.

Every once in a while she just stares at me.....and I wonder what her canine brain is planning next.

LAST EDITED ON Nov-23-10 AT 08:35PM (MST)[p]probably how to set more traps and not tip his/her paw so mom won't suspect what they are really up to and get left at home on the next sheep hunt.
Its amazing what they can smell and from how far away. My choclate can walk through the house and stop dead in her tracks and then look over to the top of a shelf or under the couch, etc. from across the room to where one of her tennis balls happen to be. Something with a strong oder like drugs would be a slam dunk once you get them to focus.

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