La sal elk



My wife drew a elk rifle tag for la sals! (La sals east of Moab that is). We're both pretty excited, should be a great hunt. Been scouting, trying to put together some options on areas to focus on. Any info on where to concentrate our efforts would be greatly appreciated!
I've got a La Sal tag too (early rifle). There are elk all over the La Sals - from top to bottom. Especially in those areas a mile or more from the nearest road. I'd concentrate on north slopes in the 9000 to 11000 range. How big a bull is she looking for?
There are two kinds of people without
beards - boys and women. I am neither.
>I've got a La Sal tag
>too (early rifle). There
>are elk all over the
>La Sals - from top
>to bottom. Especially in
>those areas a mile or
>more from the nearest road.
> I'd concentrate on north
>slopes in the 9000 to
>11000 range. How big
>a bull is she looking
>There are two kinds of people
>beards - boys and women.
>I am neither.
>I've got a La Sal tag
>too (early rifle). There
>are elk all over the
>La Sals - from top
>to bottom. Especially in
>those areas a mile or
>more from the nearest road.
> I'd concentrate on north
>slopes in the 9000 to
>11000 range. How big
>a bull is she looking
>There are two kinds of people
>beards - boys and women.
>I am neither.
Thanks for the info! She said she wants the biggest bull on the mountain..hoping for one close to 350, I've heard there are a few 350, 360 ish bulls there, but not sure how realistic that will be. Seen a few smaller ones. Lot of scouting needed still. Just see how things shake out.That's great you pulled a tag. Hope we both get a couple of bruisers!
South Mesa has elk around the Farnsworth farm area.
The south slope above LaSal is a good place to glass and find some bulls.
There is some really good ones on that Mountain.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]
Thanks for the info Gator! we will check those areas out. Looking to go up 4 or 5 days before opener to scout some more.
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