Kregg Arrows Warthog Video (HOTW 19)


Founder Since 1999
Hey All,

I just added our most recent Hunt of the Week clip. Little behind because Kregg was hunting bear, but we got it up. Hope you all are still enjoying the clips. Please, tell your buddies about them, email them, whatever. People need to watch to make it worth it.

Kregg took this Warthog on his trip to Africa. Pretty cool. How many of you have been to Africa. I haven't. Looks fun. I hear it's a lot of fun.

View the clip on the MM Home Page or below. Here's the clip. You like?

Brian Latturner
LAST EDITED ON May-19-10 AT 07:04AM (MST)[p]Great video clip; looked like a fun hunt. The lead in shots of all the various animals was impressive, to get all those quality animals on one clip. Should stoke some fires to go next year.

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