KONA Repentage?



Well the Lackards fun is probably winding down?
Gonna take some major repenting from a few of these guys,lol!
Maybe they'll call in sick & stay another week?
Well, I've already been on the phone with the Kona plick's clergy and it sounds like after a scheduled meeting things should be ok. I sure wish this flight would get canceled. Wonder if Red would buy it if I told her a tsunami washed out the runway and it will be a month to rebuild?
No need to rush home 1-911. Red is fine... we check in on her twice a day. I think she forgot you left.

With all the controversy on MM lately... I sure wish F'dude would post a "guess the nipple" contest.

Lol Rans,
I hear you had lots of fun,how'd you feel on a couple of them mornings?
Just Razzin ya!
Hey Lil Red,
Don't let him BS you,he missed you as much as you missed him,well almost!
LAST EDITED ON Mar-15-10 AT 05:34PM (MST)[p]>Lil Red
>Please remind 45 to send me
>the money he borrowed for
>bail money.

What.... the bruddahs over there dont have no respect for his get outta jail free card....LOL

Dont worry cuz.....call me up next time.....western union :)

"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
My memory was a little hazy after drinking the 15 bloody marys so I'm not sure what 45 did. Better ask him.

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