Kona in January?????


Very Active Member
Com'on Ransom.....Hows the fishin in January??? My wife's best friend is getting married there and I'm looking to do some fishin while I'm there.

"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."

Tell Guy to put it on Dana's tab...

>Tell Guy to put it on
>Dana's tab...

10-4, I looked at the price list.

"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
Thanks for the advice rus....So should I go light tackle or heavy?

"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
HARDWAY....the boat furnishes the tackle and bait...just bring MONEY.

And Guy doesn't use light tackle, as he wants to be ready if and when 'Big Mo' shows up on his spread. The first time we fished with Guy, my son took along a 9 ft / 12 lb. steelhead baitcasting rod. Guy was kind enough to back down on a floating cargo mat that was loaded with fish and let my son cast fishtraps to the edge. He caught some small (10-15 lb) yellowfin and had a ball fighting them on that little rod. Then, it was back to trolling with the 100 and 130 class gear.

The fishing at Kona in january usually sucks but Guy can usually find something to catch. Just stay away from the bar where your cousin 1911 hangs out.

well I sure am glad your son taught Guy about light tackle Elknuts because he had a boatload of it and we hammered mahi mahi at the buoy with it.....in March.

>well I sure am glad your
>son taught Guy about light
>tackle Elknuts because he had
>a boatload of it and
>we hammered mahi mahi at
>the buoy with it.....in March.

Perfect....The snoopy pole and zebco 33 will make trip......... I'm gonna give Guy a call monday and set it up.Thanks guys...except for rus.

"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
1911 likes the Outback Steakhouse and keeps talking about a "blooming onion" his favorite there.

>Is that where 1911 got drunk?

You must not remember because of the chloroform Gridman used on you.

I don't think the chloroform had as much to do with as the fact that he has asleep at 8:30 every night.

--I'm looking for a man... who calls himself Bucho! That's all! And you had to do it, the hard way!--

I fished until midnight last night but I fixed that problem by limiting out this morning by 8AM.


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