knifeman shot dead



I guess Jews have the right to bare arms eh?

A Palestinian knifeman has been shot dead after attempting to stab two Israeli hitchhikers near Shilo, Judea and Samaria police said. Police spokesman Dani Poleg confirmed that the knifeman was killed by an Israeli civilian who fired on him using his handgun.

The incident took place at a hitchhiking post on highway 60, between Shilo and Ali Junction.

"We have a military report saying the knifeman is now dead. Two civilians were at the scene during the attack, and one fired on the Palestinian attacker. We're taking eye witness testimonials on the scene at the moment, and the initial investigation is not yet complete. More details will be released soon," Poleg said.

Two knives have been recovered from the Palestinian's body, and no injuries among Israelis were reported.

An initial police investigation found that the assailant had approached the two hitchhikers with his hands in his pockets, and began asking them questions in English. Seconds later, he attempted to stab one of the Israelis. The latter drew his handgun and fired on the knifeman, killing him. A second knife was later found during a search of the attacker's body.
Police said the knifeman was aged around 20, and came from the Hebron area. He was apparently a student at BirZeit University.

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