Knee Surgery


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I noticed a subtle pain in my right knee about four years ago while elk hunting in Idaho. The pain has slowly been getting worse, but never really bothered my hiking until an elk hunt here in Utah last year. I didn't think I was going to make it off the mountain! I had an MRI done last year and they said I had "fluid" in my knee. They gave me an anti-inflamatory and that helped for a minute. I now realize I will have to have it operated on after this hunting season. It really bothers me now and I probably won't be doing much hiking this year. I'm a little worried about surgery. I assume I can just get this thing scoped and it should help. Anyone had any experiences with knee surgery? If so, do you have any advice or suggestions before I get cut on?
Over the last ten years I have had my knee scoped three times for the same reason of having fluid in it. The only thing I can tell you is the healthier or more in shape you go into it, the less time you will take to recover. A scope is a fairly easy recovery, just be sure that you do all your doctor recommended therapies, it really isnt that bad of a surgery.

?We abuse land because we regard it as a commodity belonging to us. When we see land as a community to which we belong, we may begin to use it with love and respect.? Aldo Leopold
Yup ,I have had it done three times. I was back to work within the week each time.

Do you have the option of doing it before hunting season? I'm thinking that if you're going to limp anyway, you might be better off doing so after it has been fixed. If you are hurting before/during hunting season, you might hurt it worse and then have to have more radical surgery. Either way, tell your doc what/when you are going hunting.
Make sure they do the bad knee! I was on the table when the doc came in and started marking on my right knee, I had to tell him it was the other knee that needed the work!...RIMROCK
My knees have been hurting the last 3 years or so while hiking, bout 3 years ago my cousin shot a buck so he came and got me and we had to climb a pretty steep hill to get it, well my knees got sore walking up to it then we started dragging it down and they were killing me, he beat me down the hill by 150 yards dragging the buck by himself before i got to the bottom. i could hardly walk. it hasnt been that bad since but its still there. guess i should go get an MRI next time it does it and see whats wrong.
It's the downhill hiking that really tears your knees up. If I'm going up, it doesn't bother me too much. Downhill is another story!
I also find it harder to go down then up. When I take the scouts on a hike they think I am crazy for cheering when we go up hill and gripe when we go down. Sometimes I even have to put on my knee brace.

Just get it done! Two weeks ago I had my arm put back together with a plate and 13 screws. It feels pretty good? Don't permanently damage your leg by waiting too long. Nothing to worry about.
Well, thanks for the good advice! I may just have to get it done sooner than later. Anyone know a good surgeon in St George, Ut?
I think your recovery depends on the specific damage. My knee was scoped to repair a cartilage tear and it was 100% after 3 months. However, it took about a year to get over the mental and physical worries. After that year or so, it was bombproof. Good Luck and do the physical therapy though it is a hassle.
The technology is advanced enough now that they can go in and fix what they need to without causing too much pain or other problems. I have had the ACL replaced on my right knee and I was elk hunting within 4 months. Just listen to everyone else and do the therapy. And I will take a uphill climb everyday of the week before I would go downhill.
I've had one knee done 5 times and the other done 4 times, not all of them where scoped. Surgery doesn't always make them feel better. My mom works for the best orthopedic surgeon around. He is located in Southern Utah, let me know if you want his name.
LAST EDITED ON Aug-23-07 AT 10:40PM (MST)[p]Bessy claims to be a Surgeon, give him a call. LOL
Whoever you do go to, make sure and listen to the Dr's. advice and exercize the knee like he says or you will be sorry later.

LAST EDITED ON Aug-27-07 AT 07:05AM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Aug-27-07 AT 07:03?AM (MST)

Dr. Scott Smith Or Dr. Lietze, located in St. George. Let me know if you go and I will tell my mom your coming, she's the X-ray tech. Smith is most likely the one who will do your knee, but they are both second to none!

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