Knee problems



Well, for about 3 months i have had some knee pain. So i finally saw as orthopedics surgeon and he told me i have
Nice, now what?? I'm only 26 and he said there's nothing can be done for it until I get a knee replacement when I'm in my 50.
Its so depressing any one out there have this or has had surgery for this?
I was told I had that same thing in 8th grade. I'm now 31 and 4 knee sugeries later. As somone that has gone though that, and my background in nutrition, I would say avoid the surgery and get on a glucosomine supplement religiously. Lose ANY extra weight you carry. Keep your hamstrings and quads in great shape. Omega's will also be your best friend.
Traditional only >>>------->
Guess you better quit running on pavement...just walk to stay in shape and on soft surfaces(dirt)...I go to the Doc about once a year preferably a month before hunting season and get a knee injection of not steroids but the stuff made from Shark cartilage and Rooster Comb..its a natural lubricant for the knee great for me and I don't have a kneecap on my right leg. I wear an elastic knee brace for support also.
Not tryin to be a ##### went to the surgeon and he told you that you're screwed til you have it replaced?? Did you have an MRI and did he even look at it or did he just bend and push your knee around to diagnose you?? Did you go to this surgeon after researching him out or did you go to the first one your regular doc sent you to?? Personally, if a surgeon told me I was "######" til I was 50 then I'd definitely be getting second and third opinions every single time...

Sent you a PM. Pretty easy and cheap non-surgical fix. Surgery is your LAST resort, you are to young to go that route.
So, you definately need to get more opinions.

I had my knee replaced 12 years ago and never looked back.I was 51 when they did it.

You are in for some evil, frustrating, chit because knee injuries are "forever" if you are active at all.

About 10 years ago, I hunted with an orthpaedic surgeon, who teaches the procceedure at USC Medical Center.
His name is John McPhearson. At the time, he was the best in the business.....the Lakers and other pro sports teams went nowhere else.

He is a VERY active hunter, skier and basketball player. He told me then, that if he had an injury to a ANY age....he would have it replaced asap, rather than spend the rest of his life messing around with minor surguries, that provide temp cures only.

Take that for what it is worth.
I'm going to chime in and 2nd what Nickman says. I tore up both of my knees playing football and put up with aggravation and pain for years and as time went on the pain only got worse. My left knee was the worst of the two it got to the point there was no cartilage remaining in the joint and it was bone to bone for 3 years. The pain was unbelievable and finally in September '09 I could not take it any longer had a total replacement and it has been the very best thing I have ever done... NO MORE PAIN!
The new knee implants are expected to last 20+ years vs the older versions that were good for about 10 years.
Nickman is right, get that second opinion. Sorta sounds like the doc might not have done a thorough exam. Anyway, get that second opinion because there are other options.

I worked for a couple of years as a Division I strength coach and two summers at the professional level. I am most certainly not an MD, but, I have seen results from other options, to include other surgical options (as opposed to TKR) work just fine. Sometimes physical therapy can bring longer lasting relief. Anyway, off my soapbox.

Get that second opinion.

Compromise, hell! ... If freedom is right and tyranny is wrong, why should those who believe in freedom treat it as if it were a roll of bologna to be bartered a slice at a time?
LAST EDITED ON Oct-14-10 AT 10:58PM (MST)[p]Get the second opinion , then a third, but if it hurts and only keeps getting worse then fix it. I dealt with mine for 5 years till I couldn't stand it any longer. I quit work in Nov 09 had a total knee replacement in Dec 09 and by Jan. 2010 I no longer had any knee pain.

Didnt hunt at all last year because of the pain, but this year I'm headed to Colorado.
I have the same thing, and I HATE stairs. I started taking glucosamine daily, and working my legs out. The pain is gone for the most part (I still hate stairs). Maybe one day I'll look into surgery, but for now the pain is manageable.
Good idea about the Glucosamine...more specifically, I would recommend Glucosamine Sulfate...and watch for/compare for the amount of filler stuff like sodium. Some companies will add more filler stuff because the glucosamine sulfate is more expensive. SULFATE

Compromise, hell! ... If freedom is right and tyranny is wrong, why should those who believe in freedom treat it as if it were a roll of bologna to be bartered a slice at a time?
You need to keep your legs exercised and loose any extra weight. I am missing a ligament in one of my knees because of a football injury I never had fixed. My knee is fine as long as I keep my legs strong. Hunting is the best fix for me. The only time I have problems is when I sit around for a couple weeks without hiking.

I would get the second opinion. One doc missed that I had torn my ligament completely. A little tug is not a diagnosis. Best of luck. I am hoping they have a good replacement for my knee when the time comes.
I had the same diagnosis in 11th grade, physical therapy made things MUCH better. My knee only bothers me once in a while now (age 30). It made me give up wrestling, but has never affected my hunting or hiking. Good luck and keep active! I also have restless leg syndrome and that kills my knees worse.......


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