Kimbo is a ****


Long Time Member
I watched the ultimate fighter last night and Kimbo was a let down. Again!

I however have come to like him from the show.

I still dont think there is a guy that can take Lesner.
Whats your thoughts?


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I like Kimbo's attitude and humility. For a "popular" dude, he has his head on straight. I hope he stays and trains like crazy and learns some take down defense. He could of knocked that fat country boy out if he could of stayed on his feet. Man what a fat dude.

All I know is the heavyweights are boring me. I can' wait till Rampage gets to fight Rashad and make him cry!
I would love rampage to knock out that loud mouth. It would be as good as when Henderson KO bisbing

At first i thought kimbo was a thug dirtbag gangster. I was wrong and also like his attitue. He looks to old to fight much longer maybe im wrong. I would love to see someone come in and compete with Lesnar but if I had to fight in that weight division I would go on a diet. He is to big


Archery is a year round commitment!!
I too was thrown off by Kimbo the "person". Pleasantly surprised and find it easier to root for him. And that is what I like about this show, you find out who the toolsheds are and who is not.

I did find it convenient that there will be an injury and Kimbo will be let back in. He is this season, and without him ratings crumble. I am rooting for him, and am hoping having some legit coaching will help him get better. Age may be an issue though, but at least his mind is right.

Would like to see him learn, get better, and start throttling people though. Instead of seeing him put on exhibit like a crazed zoo animal similar to his Elite XC days.
I totally agree, Kimbo is carrying those heavy weights. The show is not as good with the big boys! Can't wait till next season.

Watching Dan knock out Bisbing was awesome! I hope Rampage can do the same!
LAST EDITED ON Oct-01-09 AT 04:09PM (MST)[p]I like him better a lot better now too but still, unless he improves a bunch Lesnar would SMASH him.
+1, the fat country boy didnt even have any muscle tone. heck most of those boys have a belly, but are also somewhat cut. but Nelson is just a blob, and he beat Kimbo.

I think Brock would make Kimbo look flat out silly, in a hurrry.
Kimbo ain't in the same class as Lesnor.....
Kimbo is for the folks that know very little about MMA,I would put my money on GSP over Kimbo and GSP is a welter weight.
Not saying Kimbo couldn't have been ligt. with the right training but he is no match for any Heavy weight in the UFC or any other pro MMA org.
Kimbo nothing on the ground couldn't get out, if you can't wrestle some you're in trouble quick.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
I was so excited for this season of the Ultimate Fighter. I couldn't wait until Wednesday to watch but now after the KIMBO fight I am not excited anymore. I feel like they are paying KIMBO to be there to help the ratings and not so much to fight. I have no idea why the ref stopped that fight. He wasn't even hitting him hard! I think they were trying to protect KIMBO. Lesner would rip KIMBO a new one!
Yeah, that fight really should not have been stopped IMO. That fat country was not hitting any harder than my 11 year old.

I too think Kimbo is only on there for the ratings, I hope for his sake he actually learns some MMA skills and gets better. As it stands right now, Lesnar or any of the real heavy weghts for that matter, would destroy him in seconds.
if they wouldnt have stoped the fight Kimbo would have passed out. roy was using the blob to stop his breathing


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