kilowatt looks in the mirror....



Kilo looks in the bedroom mirror and says to his wife,

'I feel horrible, I look fat, ugly and out of shape. Pay me a compliment.'

His wife replies, 'Your eyesight's damn near perfect.'

Eel looks in the bedroom mirror and says to his wife,

'I feel horrible, I look fat, ugly and out of shape. Pay me a compliment.'

His wife replies, 'Your eyesight's damn near perfect.'

Nochawk looks in the bedroom mirror and says to his wife,

'I feel horrible, I look fat, ugly and out of shape. Pay me a compliment.'

The wife replies, 'Your eyesight's damn near perfect.'

Kilowatt says to Eel and nochawk, get your guns boys, we are going "plick" hunting.

P.S. Jef, a vacation in Florida may be the best thing for you at this time of year.

RELH, standing nude, looks in the bedroom mirror and says to his wife,

'I feel horrible, I look fat, ugly and out of shape. Pay me a compliment.'

His wife replies, 'Your eyesight's damn near perfect.'

D13R aka D13er, standing nude, looks in the bedroom mirrow and says to his wife

"I feel fantastic, I look great, I am tall and all muscles and the ladies love me. Pay me a compliment.

His wife replies, " I told you to get those new glasses like the Eye Doctor told you you needed, your blind."

D13r AKA jef;

Your insulting joke does not bother me, you talking to my wife to get that information does bother me. You better book a fast flight to Florida for a extended vacation or prepare to meet my family members who will be upholding the family honor. Some of those family members reside in Fresno and Bakersfield, so start looking over your shoulder. I also have your address.
The wife lied to you anyway!!!!


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