Kilowatt blewup the chat room

Get me PO'ed and see what I can do..............LOL

Damn chat rooms, none of them can handle the traffic that goes on in there.

LAST EDITED ON Feb-23-08 AT 11:26PM (MST)[p]Geez. I dont come in for a while one night and you guys blow it up!!!!!

I think it was just you two old geezers in there talking about stuff that no one understands and the room shut down! we young uns dont understand all that stuff like "back in the 60s" heck we were just a gleam in the old mans eyes back then!!!

Hey fishsticks. Ransoms my grandpa! dont interfer with his talk of back during the day when he hungout with Robert E. Lee back in the civil

-Cody AKA BigBuck92

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