Kilo's workout program


Long Time Member
Kilo is on a fast track to get in shape for his two mule deer hunts this Fall. One in Nevada and one in Colorado.

He kicked it off with a bicycle ride this weekend.

Thousands in Portland take to bikes for naked ride

By Dan Cook Dan Cook ? Sun Jun 19, 1:57 am ET

PORTLAND, Ore (Reuters) ? It was a typical early summer evening in Portland: cloudy skies threatening rain, temperatures in the mid-60s, and thousands of naked bicyclists gathered near the city's waterfront for a clothing-free night ride.

Kilo said he peddled hard the whole ride. Keep up the good work Kilo!:)

>"Kilo said he peddled hard"
>You mean he peddled aroused or
>exerted a lot of energy?

Kilo was born in 1911. What do you think Feleno?

Ransom, give him more time. He is still pedaling his bike and has not crossed the finished line yet.

I heard Kilo's been bitching about the cool temps. " It's tough to ride hard when you're cold."

On a bright note. Kilo said "I'm a little stiff after the ride."


"The Road goes on forever & the Party never Ends"
Overton states:
The plick may of had a heart attack because he won't answer his phone.

Maybe you need to hit the "SEND" tab on that calls to my cell or home

Remember when you three went into the store in Kona and I waited in the car and YOU called my wife back in Kali and wanted to know where I was..........HELLO

Nice to have such LOYAL FRIENDS these days....LMAO

Kilo, you are very lucky that Ransom only called your wife wanting to know where you were while you were outside in the car.

I have been know to sneak a pair of used women's panties into a guy's suitcase after he bragged about how his wife unpacked his suitcase and washed & iron everything and repacked it for him because he had her "trained right".

LAST EDITED ON Jun-21-11 AT 02:41PM (MST)[p]in the staging area.


Compromise, hell! ... If freedom is right and tyranny is wrong, why should those who believe in freedom treat it as if it were a roll of bologna to be bartered a slice at a time?
In the bicycle racing world is Viagra considered a performance enhancing drug?

I guess it would give you something to hang onto if you lost your grip on the handlebars!

"whackin' a surly bartender ain't much of a crime"
I could never ride a bike naked.

My codsack would get in the spokes and sound like I had playing cards stuck in the wheels.

"whackin' a surly bartender ain't much of a crime"

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