Kilo scores!!!


Long Time Member
The trophy of the day was brought in by none other than Kilowatt!!

152 pound yellow fin tuna.


Nice job there kilowatt!
Whats up with the Hi-Wian Flowerty shorts?
Way to go Brian! Score one for the northern Kali boys!

Is Ransom still looking for his sun glasses?

Kilo scores, Man talking about misleading.

I thought the old guy got lucky maybe for the last time. LOL
Nice Fish

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
Awesome Kilo ! Did you guys cook some of that up for dinner?


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flash grilled cracked black peppercorn ahi tuna fish tacos with creamy chipotle sauce and fresh pineapple!
um-mm! margaritas!! oh wait that Cancun-Puerto Vallarta
the real story know the one where kilo puke till he pasted out and someone else reeled the bad boy in!!(once the boat docked and he hit the dock sea sickness disappears with in a minute....we know better!)just kidding and jealous!
ANYWAYS......the story!

Seemed like about 30 min to get it in. I'll post more photo journals tomorrow. Probably have some of the Kona plick formerly known as Overton chumming.
They don't cook Suschi Red.
They eat it Raw & gorge theirselves till they are guaranteed there will be some 'Chumming' going on the next day,lol!
I heard so far it's been a high Fluid type of diet,lol!
"flash grilled cracked black peppercorn ahi tuna fish tacos with creamy chipotle sauce and fresh pineapple!
um-mm! margaritas!! oh wait that Cancun-Puerto Vallarta"


I was down there too, a few years back!! That yellow fin is the best tasting fish!!


Congrat's on the fish and hope you are having a great time!
Well finally got home at midnight last night tired from the flight and lost of hearing in my right ear I guess from the flight, hope it comes back soon or I am going to be PO'ed.
Have to say that I had a very good time and enjoyed it very much. The last time I was on the Big Island was almost 40 years ago over in Hilo...big changes since then.
Ransom is a true HOST and we all appreciated the fact he invited us to his great home over lost for space in that house..
Lots of laughs and kidding and just relaxing and having a great time fishing, hunting and driving around the Island. Even found the old property I bought back in the 60's over south of Hilo and it still is not developed...not sure who owns it now. total JUNGLE though...LOL...guess I am glad I sold it in the 70's.
I only got to fish for three days while there as I came down with a cold and it settled in my lungs and made for a miserable time. Wish I had been there when D13er caught his Marlin, but since Gridman left and was not chumming anymore not enough bait for fish and they vacated the area.
Missed seeing Ransom get his YellowFin tuna like mine but guess I still got the biggest one....damn should have had a money pot on the biggest fish...might be a good idea next time Ransom.


Just make sure D13er does not include his WINE...unless he is the winner...LOL

As soon as I get the pictures uploaded from camera I will post some more from the trip.

Again, thanks to Ransom for a great vacation and also meeting a few more MM Members like 1911, Swede and Gridman...all great guys and a joy to be around along with Ransom and last but not least D13er...great group.


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